It’s been a really educational year about Govt


Gold Member
Feb 2, 2008
The Federal Govt is so bloated with bureaucracy and bullshit, when these disasters are occurring, the Fed is failing to the point of making things worse.

What we’ve seen across the board is private industry and charity stepping up to close the gaps of capability and support. That’s great in the microresponse, but stepping back to the macro, it’s just showing the complete failure of the Democratic policies and politicians. Govt isn’t there when you need it. Govt isn’t capable of helping. Govt actually creates a hindrance towards actual relief and support.

I’m seeing it across the board. I don’t know if it’s the COVID affect of people being checked out and still working from home, or if it’s people being promoted into positions of leadership beyond their capability. It’s just bad.

For those that don't like Bannon. Listen to this anyways.

Anyone who has experience in Emergency Management knows this has been screwed up from the beginning. The National Guard may not be Firefighters but they can clear fuel sources and cut fire breaks. Engineer Units with Equipment should have already been deployed. MP units should be doing patrols to catch Looters and Arsonist. I don't mean a handful either. I could go on but everyone that knows how to do this understands the incompetence that is happening.

If this does continue to get even more out of control negligence becomes criminal conduct. No amount of spin will cover that fact up. That doesn't take Emergency Management Experience to understand. It's common sense.
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The Federal Govt is so bloated with bureaucracy and bullshit, when these disasters are occurring, the Fed is failing to the point of making things worse.

What we’ve seen across the board is private industry and charity stepping up to close the gaps of capability and support. That’s great in the microresponse, but stepping back to the macro, it’s just showing the complete failure of the Democratic policies and politicians. Govt isn’t there when you need it. Govt isn’t capable of helping. Govt actually creates a hindrance towards actual relief and support.

I’m seeing it across the board. I don’t know if it’s the COVID affect of people being checked out and still working from home, or if it’s people being promoted into positions of leadership beyond their capability. It’s just bad.
Kinda like New Orleans after Katrina. The govt simply cannot handle large scale response. No matter how much money we give them they don't do the job.
They fvck up alot of things. This is on California.GOV though.
Yep. Newsom cut funding for the water, forest management, etc and allocated the funds to illegals. This should sink his presidential aspirations. But the msm will not disclose these facts or they will spin it favorably
Yep. Newsom cut funding for the water, forest management, etc and allocated the funds to illegals. This should sink his presidential aspirations. But the msm will not disclose these facts or they will spin it favorably

Once the shock wears off people aren't going to be interested in spin. But if legacy media wants to destroy what little bit of credibility they have left that's on them.

People aren't as stupid as you idiots hoped. Even those that do believe want to know why they didn't prepare better. Shutting down fossil fuels doesn't help fix this.

NEW: LA Times owner Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong says it was a mistake for his paper to endorse Karen Bass, says competent people should be elected, not professional politicians.While I'm glad people are waking up, this is not some profound concept. "We endorsed Karen Bass. I think right now, that's a mistake. And we admit that.""I think we were one of the few to say competence matters... the interesting thing is that maybe we should think about how we elect people on the basis of did they actually run a job?""Did they actually make a payroll? Do they understand what it is?""Rather than having professional politicians whose only job is ready to run for office."