Is Google doing anything for the poor folks in McDowell County WV?


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2014
Google is backing a new pilot program from CODE2040 in three cities.
Starting this year in Chicago, Austin and Durham, N.C., the San
Francisco non-profit will give minority entrepreneurs in each city a
one-year stipend and free office space.
CODE2040 is a non-profit
founded in 2012 that focuses on getting more African Americans and
Hispanics into the tech workforce. It has graduated nearly 50 fellows,
many of whom have gone to work for companies such as Facebook, LinkedIn
and Uber.
Probably not...

I try not to use Google unless I have to.
Just a question..... Does Google,the NFL, NBA and others only believe....

the inner cities have poor and underprivileged kids who need help.
Many states push minority participation requirements in bidding

processes on public work. It's a sham that essentially drives up the cost of work and really doesn't help minority owned busineses.

This program sounds like something that could help a minority business get established. Help them with capital. Help them understand how to run a business. File taxes. Payrolls... etc.

Just handing out work won't do it. Supporting them in other ways.
Re: Probably not...

I don't use Google unless I have to....what was hard to understand about that?
Re: Probably not...

Originally posted by rog1187:
I don't use Google unless I have to....what was hard to understand about that?
Everything. Do not speak ill of my retirement chances. What do you do, Ask Jeeves? Bing? Gross
Re: Probably not...

Yahoo mostly...but I haven't found anything that beats Google Maps.
Re: Many states push minority participation requirements in bidding

plus, don't/can't people manipulate things so that they look like a minority owned business on paper so they can get those jobs...had a buddy that if I recall did something like put his daughter or wife in a certain position within his company so he could get those minority owned perks.
Re: Probably not...

Originally posted by rog1187:
Yahoo mostly...but I haven't found anything that beats Google Maps.
FFS. Do you still use your AOL email account too?
Disable Vet projects are reknown for that. We've come across

a number of "disabled vets" in our work.

One guy was a commercial airline pilot for over 20 years, but claimed hearing loss from flying during Vietnam. Meanwhile, my father flew C-130's for 20 years, not a single problem with his hearing so no set aside perks for him.
You should do an experiment sometime....

Try running searches with different search engines and see who wins. I think you'll find that yahoo kinda sucks.
Re: You should do an experiment sometime....

I seem always find what I'm looking for through Yahoo.
Some are missing the POINT of this post.. We also have those in need!!!!!**
