Is 0 the most pro gun pres ever. Gun control loses 63-30 in Pew.

orlando eer

Aug 26, 2002
0 threats to gun ownership and having agencies buy up and drive ammo cost has lead to huge increases in gun ownership and NRA membership.
In addition the state backlash to his policies has lead to more liberal gun laws in most states. By being such a threat to gun ownership he has driven it. Funny the laws of unintended consequences.
Tell me something

All bullshit aside, take off your political "position" and homerism and tell me a couple of things Obama has done that 1) impedes gun ownership 2) outlaws particular guns 3) outlaws particular ammo etc. etc.

And you have to have a link (reputable link) to back it up. Thanks.
Re: Tell me something

Just a few off the top of my head. Using his agencies to buy billions of rounds of ammo to drive up ammo prices and create shortages, ban on ammo for certain types of guns which agency later retreated on. Closing of lead mines in US the key component in ammo leading to more expensive ammo as steel casings are more expensive. Constant gun control drives after each major shooting trying to take advantage of emotions to push gun control. The polls were even when he came to office, results are more important than the road traveled so I see him as a pro gun president. He has made gun ownership cool as well as carry and coaxed people who never cared about gun ownership to purchase them. He may secretly be right of center on this issue.

As to links I do not have time now but will be glad to get you links for these and look up more that I neglected when I have time tomorrow.
The gun control groups helped as well by pressure Walmart and stores who were not gun shops to announce they caving and getting out of the gun and ammo business leading to the same sense of seige that lead to more sales. Each action has lead to the next wave. Much of it is trust. There is none between the 2 sides.

This post was edited on 4/20 8:43 PM by orlando eer
Didn't the ATF (at his behest) try to ban green-tip ...........

............... bullets under the premise that is was a threat to law enforcement (the same law enforcement he and Sharpton constantly throw under the bus) when that bullet had not slayed a police officer in 2 decades or more?

Was I dreaming that?
Operation Choke Point

Another Justice Department fiasco
Re: Tell me something

So, two hours later and 7 different posters have posted here but not one single post of a reputable link showing where Obama has passed an executive order outlawing certain types of guns, certain types of ammunition or impeded anyone's right to "keep and bear arms".


Here's a link for Operation Choke Point: , which two of you referenced but really wasn't intended to eliminate ammunition.

And here is a real nice link to straighten up all the confusion created by the NRA propaganda:
move those goalposts

So you dont look like a moron. Oops, you referenced wiki. You are a moron.
Re: I understand

Posted here: "tell me a couple of things Obama has done that 1) impedes gun ownership "

Then, posted here: "showing where Obama has passed an executive order outlawing certain types of guns, certain types of ammunition or impeded anyone's right to "keep and bear arms""

That's not what you initially asked for. Way to move those goalposts.

Secondly, I'm not doing your research for you. You're a big boy with a google machine. Use it. But, when you are putting gun and ammo companies out of business because they can't get a legitimate bank account... I'd say that's restricting gun access. That's my opinion.

And evidently you have no cognitive abilities. That's ok, I'll pray for you.
I haven't changed anything

and my local gun shop hasn't ever had any problems with sales or getting ammunition. My right wing buddies complained about not being able to get ammo at WalMart. I told them to go to the local gun shop, they had plenty of ammunition, always have.
They have been blocking the importation and sale of M1 Carbines that

were sold to the Koreans decades ago, and only a few years ago allowed for the importation and sale of M1 Garands. They are still blocking the Carbines because they take detachable Magazines. Over 500,000 rifles if memory serves, rifles that are primary going to be bought up by collectors. A historic rifle I would like to own and have next to my German K98.

Then there's Executive Order 13662, which has an impact on the import of rifles from Kalashnikov Concern, and while it's a shotgun I wouldn't compete with, some do compete with the Saiga's.

The FDIC back in 2011 listed gun dealers as "high risk", where not businesses such as strip clubs, porn shops and smoke houses have also been impacted.

I'm not wasting time giving links. The news is readily available, as is the entire EO 13662 in PDF form.

So if you're going to suggest that Obama would love to strip away gun rights, please go ahead, but we all know that changing winds in the Senate and House have prevented him from doing so. Even Joe Manchin learned the hard way when he was going to host a town hall for Obama in Shepherdstown on "gun safety" after the Sandy Hook shootings.
Yes, they were too proposing a ban on green tip ammo.

They were going to use LEOPA to do so.
Kuddos for your local shop. Those in Martinsburg were dry about

a year and a half ago. Even reloading supplies were hard to come by. Most shops put limits on the amount of bullets, casings, primers, etc. you could buy. My range, which hosts national competition events monthly, struggled to keep up a supply back then and would only sell to range members, and only limited quantities at a time.

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