Insider reveals details behind Biden ouster


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Aug 5, 2009

She's worse then Biden.
Where did she get the delegates from? Not from the votes of the people.
Nominated without a single vote.
A candidate who did not get one delegate in the 2020 presidential primary. Did not even carry her own state.
She will make another perfect puppet.

She's worse then Biden.
Where did she get the delegates from? Not from the votes of the people.
Nominated without a single vote.
A candidate who did not get one delegate in the 2020 presidential primary. Did not even carry her own state.
She will make another perfect puppet.
We were told state legislatures were “fake electors” after the 2020 election. Does that mean delegates are also “fake electors”?
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We were told state legislatures were “fake electors” after the 2020 election. Does that mean delegates are also “fake electors”?
What's "Democratic" about a hand picked candidate no one voted for or supported?