In 2016 maobama held a 90 minute meeting with Putin

Snow Sled Baby

Gold Member
Jan 4, 2003
Staunton Va
during a G-7 summit......where was all the outrage from the left then? Since TDS has affected your lib memories I'll answer it for you....there was NONE. Of course when you give the russkies a big red Staples button and say" all is forgiven, let's start over"......what in the hell do you expect? which way to you want it my liberal bretheren?.....either both meetings are ok or they both are not ok...which way do you want it?
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during a G-7 summit......where was all the outrage from the left then? Since TDS has affected your lib memories I'll answer it for you....there was NONE. Of course when you give the russkies a big red Staples button and say" all is forgiven, let's start over"......what in the hell do you expect? which way to you want it my liberal bretheren?.....either both meetings are ok or they both are not ok...which way do you want it?
Are you suggesting that Obama met with Putin to discuss privately how they were to move forward with their agreement to exchange geopolitical strategy for help winning the election? Or that Obama knew in ‘16 that the Russians hacked the DNC and released the information to help Trump?

I think those are the reasons most don’t like the idea of Trump meeting with Putin at this point. Personally, I don’t mind the meeting....foolish to think our geopolitical strategy doesn’t go through Russia at some point. Even though the hack did impact the election, giving Russia the silent treatment doesn’t help us in any way.
I doubt Trump makes it clear that the US will not stand for this type of attempt of election interference moving forward though, do you?

I bet the “twatter tough guy” pussies out.
Are you suggesting that Obama met with Putin to discuss privately how they were to move forward with their agreement to exchange geopolitical strategy for help winning the election? Or that Obama knew in ‘16 that the Russians hacked the DNC and released the information to help Trump?

I think those are the reasons most don’t like the idea of Trump meeting with Putin at this point. Personally, I don’t mind the meeting....foolish to think our geopolitical strategy doesn’t go through Russia at some point. Even though the hack did impact the election, giving Russia the silent treatment doesn’t help us in any way.
no...I'm saying that if putin is "the enemy", which I personally believe he is, then no meeting should take place at all... but if some sort of meeting should come about then it should be supported by both sides no matter whether a repub or dem is in the white house. Our "enemies" witness our divisiveness and use that.
I doubt Trump makes it clear that the US will not stand for this type of attempt of election interference moving forward though, do you?

I bet the “twatter tough guy” pussies out.
not a fan of the twitter thing personally, but he does reach a lot of folks whether positive or negative.....but then again he might be more crafty than we give him credit for.....can't figure him out
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I doubt Trump makes it clear that the US will not stand for this type of attempt of election interference moving forward though, do you?

I bet the “twatter tough guy” pussies out.
My guess is you are wrong. Trump has done more against Russia, strategically, covertly, militarily, and financially than that last fvcking ass ever did.
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no...I'm saying that if putin is "the enemy", which I personally believe he is, then no meeting should take place at all... but if some sort of meeting should come about then it should be supported by both sides no matter whether a repub or dem is in the white house. Our "enemies" witness our divisiveness and use that.
I don’t know enough to label Russia as “an enemy”......but Putin is surely someone dangerous. Either way, Russia is a nation we must deal with on a major level.
My guess is you are wrong. Trump has done more against Russia, strategically, covertly, militarily, and financially than that last fvcking ass ever did.
Gee....guess Putin was wrong helping him win the election then.
Can you provide some examples?

Let’s see here, we bombed the absolute shit out of them in Syria killing over a 100 of their personnel (/thread, but I’ll go on). We’re attacking every market they have a stake in causing them billions of dollars in hits to their economy, we’re going after the finances of the oligarchs and Putin specifically, we’re using active cyber measure against them unlike Obama (per Obama’s National Security Counsil IT dork), and we’re trying to rapidly beef up NATO defense spending, lobbying for Ukraine to join NATO, arming Ukraine to fight Russia, interuppting Russia’s Middle Eastern relationships, exporting Natural Gas to EU, trying to stop the pipeline into Germany, and we’re drastically ramping up our defense spending.

Good enough? There’s more, but this is the open source stuff.
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Gee....guess Putin was wrong helping him win the election then.
Was he? I’d say we’re more divided right now than if she’d won. I’d say he picked he right horse if it were me doing the analysis. The left has lost its goddamn mind the last year and a half. They’ve pushed us as close to lunacy as I’ve seen in my entire life (not exaggerating) and it’s given rise to openly spoken socialist candidates as if that view should be even remotely accepted in this country. It gave rise to a militant wing within the left that is openly assassinating police officers.

You all say these things thinking you’re being cheeky without understanding the Russian motivation.
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Let’s see here, we bombed the absolute shit out of them in Syria killing over a 100 of their personnel (/thread, but I’ll go on). We’re attacking every market they have a stake in causing them billions of dollars in hits to their economy, we’re going after the finances of the oligarchs and Putin specifically, we’re using active cyber measure against them unlike Obama (per Obama’s National Security Counsil IT dork), and we’re trying to rapidly beef up NATO defense spending, lobbying for Ukraine to join NATO, arming Ukraine to fight Russia, interuppting Russia’s Middle Eastern relationships, exporting Natural Gas to EU, trying to stop the pipeline into Germany, and we’re drastically ramping up our defense spending.

Good enough? There’s more, but this is the open source stuff.

I’ve seen people touting that “we killed 200 Russian soldiers in Syria”...turns out they were Russian mercenaries working for Bashar al-Assad. Not actual Russian soldiers. No big deal.

How many times has trump threatened to **** with NATO? I wouldn’t classify him as pro-NATO. I do agree that the others needed to up their spending though. I’m good with that. 4% was nuts though. We don’t even do that. I thought I read 3.5% somewhere. But I’m sure that was some art of the deal bs he was playing.

My phone is at 1% but I will dig into these sanctions stuff when I can. I thought most were sanctions imposed by Congress that he is reluctant to enforce. Just the shit I read. I don’t follow that shit as closely as I should. Not enough to debate on the internets about for sure.
Was he? I’d say we’re more divided right now than if she’d won. I’d say he picked he right horse if it were me doing the analysis. The left has lost its goddamn mind the last year and a half. They’ve pushed us as close to lunacy as I’ve seen in my entire life (not exaggerating) and it’s given rise to openly spoken socialist candidates as if that view should be even remotely accepted in this country. It gave rise to a militant wing within the left that is openly assassinating police officers.

You all say these things thinking you’re being cheeky without understanding the Russian motivation.
It gave rise to a militant wing within the left that is openly assassinating police officers.

I’ve seen people touting that “we killed 200 Russian soldiers in Syria”...turns out they were Russian mercenaries working for Bashar al-Assad. Not actual Russian soldiers. No big deal.
If we had 200 US contractors killed by the Russians, you don’t think the country would be outraged? You’re wrong.
How many times has trump threatened to **** with NATO? I wouldn’t classify him as pro-NATO. I do agree that the others needed to up their spending though. I’m good with that. 4% was nuts though. We don’t even do that. I thought I read 3.5% somewhere. But I’m sure that was some art of the deal bs he was playing.
Increasing NATO defense spending and chastising those socialist shitbags in the EU for not taking an active interest in their own defense is not anti-NATO. It’s most certainly anti-Russia though.
I thought most were sanctions imposed by Congress that he is reluctant to enforce.
There are sanctions Congress has passed and he isn’t enforcing. That’s true. The ones I’m talking about aren’t.
If we had 200 US contractors killed by the Russians, you don’t think the country would be outraged? You’re wrong.

You’re muddying the waters of a defense contractor and a mercenary. Let’s see what Putin said about it.

President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, declined to comment on reports of Russian casualties, saying the Kremlin only tracks data on the country’s armed forces. Putin talked with U.S. President Donald Trump by phone Monday, but the military action in Syria wasn’t discussed, he said.

Sounds like he didn’t give much of a shit.
You’re muddying the waters of a defense contractor and a mercenary. Let’s see what Putin said about it.
Sounds like he didn’t give much of a shit.
I’m not muddying anything. These guys were no different than Aegis, Academi, or TC. A Merc is something entirely different.

I’m not even going to argue the semantics on this one anymore. What I posted is reality.
Was he? I’d say we’re more divided right now than if she’d won. I’d say he picked he right horse if it were me doing the analysis. The left has lost its goddamn mind the last year and a half. They’ve pushed us as close to lunacy as I’ve seen in my entire life (not exaggerating) and it’s given rise to openly spoken socialist candidates as if that view should be even remotely accepted in this country. It gave rise to a militant wing within the left that is openly assassinating police officers.

You all say these things thinking you’re being cheeky without understanding the Russian motivation.

General George Patton had Russia's number in the 1940's. Ike should hav gotten the go ahead from FDR and let Patton and others loose on the Russians then. That may have precluded in Chechslovakia, Hungary, Poland, et al from becoming Communist Satelites.
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during a G-7 summit......where was all the outrage from the left then? Since TDS has affected your lib memories I'll answer it for you....there was NONE. Of course when you give the russkies a big red Staples button and say" all is forgiven, let's start over"......what in the hell do you expect? which way to you want it my liberal bretheren?.....either both meetings are ok or they both are not ok...which way do you want it?
Putin didn't help Obama get elected.
Yeah, and remember when
during a G-7 summit......where was all the outrage from the left then? Since TDS has affected your lib memories I'll answer it for you....there was NONE. Of course when you give the russkies a big red Staples button and say" all is forgiven, let's start over"......what in the hell do you expect? which way to you want it my liberal bretheren?.....either both meetings are ok or they both are not ok...which way do you want it?
Yeah and remember that Obama said the U.S. was the problem with Russian relations and right before his meeting he had trashed NATO and called the EU our foes too and then his DOJ indicted 13 Russian operatives for hacking our election , **** you, lol.
during a G-7 summit......where was all the outrage from the left then? Since TDS has affected your lib memories I'll answer it for you....there was NONE. Of course when you give the russkies a big red Staples button and say" all is forgiven, let's start over"......what in the hell do you expect? which way to you want it my liberal bretheren?.....either both meetings are ok or they both are not ok...which way do you want it?
Did maobama shit all over America and Americans leading up to the meeting?
I doubt Trump makes it clear that the US will not stand for this type of attempt of election interference moving forward though, do you?

I bet the “twatter tough guy” pussies out.
We know that other guy did, the one with dark skin who bowed to everybody around the world and set red lines he refused to defend.....
Are you suggesting that Obama met with Putin to discuss privately how they were to move forward with their agreement to exchange geopolitical strategy for help winning the election?

Are you suggesting Trump did? Unhinged.
Are you suggesting Trump did? Unhinged.
If you want to post responses to my posts, try to at least keep up with the thread as it pertains to my posts.

My post was a response to the question of why there’s a difference in some people’s minds between the Obama and Trump meetings with Putin. It wasn’t my own opinion of the meeting. My personal opinion of the meeting is that it’s good, and it’s ridiculous to think that our geopolitical strategy doesn’t go through Russia at some point.

But you didn’t want to repost that part in your response did you? Nah — cherry picking is a favorite pastime for wingnuts like you.
Didn't help Trump get elected either.

Hillary did that all on her own.
He did help Trump get elected ... just not on purpose. While he despised Hillary then (and now), his intention isn't to help one candidate or another, but to sow doubt and discord among us, and to make our electoral process look as illegitimate as the one that put him back in power.