Imagine spending 60K per year on your kids' education to have them taught about "Drag Queens"?


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Jul 9, 2004
Shocking but true! Project Veritas reveals undercover video of a Left wing activist privately sneaking her radical agenda into her classroom.

Jennifer Norris, the Director of Student Activities at a New York City private school called Trinity School NYC, has been caught on undercover camera admitting to indoctrinating students to her left-wing agenda.

Appearing in part 2 of a Project Veritas series titled, “The Secret Curriculum,” the school employee revealed how she pushed her ideology.

Norris described the education facility as a “really fancy private school on the Upper West Side” of Manhattan before noting the school is “definitely” not one where “conservatives would” feel comfortable.

At one point during her lunch with a Project Veritas reporter, Norris admitted she “can’t pretend” she’s promoting an agenda even though she “clearly” is.

When the liberal school employee first got hired at the private school, she said she hid her political views and “felt like a double agent.”

“There’s always groups of teachers who want to do these [activist] things but the administration just wouldn’t let us. So, we’ve been just sneaking things in [through] the cracks,” she added.

When it comes to students questioning her political agenda, Norris complained, “Unfortunately, it’s the white boys who feel very entitled to express their opposite opinions and just push back.”

Imagine bitching about school children expressing opinions that differ from yours and calling them entitled for doing so.

The private school employee also said “a huge contingent” of the “white boys” are “just horrible.”

After the Veritas reporter asked if there’s “any saving these Republican white guys?” Norris appeared to wish death upon the young men and oddly blamed “capitalism” for their behavior.

“I don’t know. I think they need to go,” the school employee said of her white male students. “I think they’re really awful people. That’s kind of what I’m afraid of with my white students that are rich. I’m like — do you ever have to deal with this? They’re so protected by capitalism. It makes me sad.”

Norris then shockingly said she wishes a “vigilante” like the main character in the murder-themed television show “Dexter” to kill the students.

Later in the undercover footage, the Veritas reporter suggested bringing a drag queen to speak to the Trinity School NYC students.

The school employee enthusiastically agreed to bring the drag queen in to speak with students and even suggested sending the performer to the k-12 school because “it would be most effective with like the younger” kids.

This may not be the last of the Project Veritas Secret Curriculum series, so be sure to look for more videos in the near future.

Now mind you...this is at a very expensive Private school! Imagine what these Leftist subversives are doing to most kids attending government schools where they are protected by their union and Left wing bureaucrats! :oops:
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Never trust a Leftist with your kids...or any kids FWIW!

Just leave the little kids alone 'ya kid sniffin' creep!
@NYC_Eer and his fellow bleaters approve of pedophilia. Their votes and support of this garbage prove it

He would probably deny he supports any of this stuff. However the people he voted for are sponsoring it, promoting it, implementing it, and curiously you do not read one strong word of opposition to any of it from him or anyone else on the Left. Not even the folks HE voted for!

Wonder why not?
LOL. You are the ones obsessed with pedos. Also the GRU stuck it in your ass you whack job.

You voted for a pedophile and your tribe supports doing this to our children and I'm the whack job? Are you insane?

My vote and many posts against this say otherwise. Your voting record for leftists who drive this says all we need to know about you.

It's not about obsession, it's about your voting record.

You admittedly, have voted for and have defended these pieces of $h!t.

You can't hide from your votes.
You voted for a pedophile and your tribe supports doing this to our children and I'm the whack job? Are you insane?

My vote and many posts against this say otherwise. Your voting record for leftists who drive this says all we need to know about you.

It's not about obsession, it's about your voting record.

You admittedly, have voted for and have defended these pieces of $h!t.

You can't hide from your votes.

At the end of the day that last statement defines the Left and anyone who votes for them. That fact is hard to spin. They are what they vote for.
He would probably deny he supports any of this stuff. However the people he voted for are sponsoring it, promoting it, implementing it, and curiously you do not read one strong word of opposition to any of it from him or anyone else on the Left. Not even the folks HE voted for!

Wonder why not?

he ignores sin. which is the main issue.