Imagine losing to both Dana Holgorsen AND Bill Stewart

So what you're saying is it's hard to believe we lost to coaches that are that bad?

Imagining cheering for a school that would actually hire those two as head coaches.

Oh, you don't have to.
Imagine cheering for a school that has done something mooU never has!!! Oh, you don't have to!!
Imagine never winning a national title with either of those Coaches.

Nevermind, you don't have to.
Imagine never winning a national title with either of those Coaches.

Nevermind, you don't have to.

Imagine never having the chance of playing for a national title....never mind mooU you don't have to!!!
Imagine both coaches making certain you never get a chance to either.
Imagine playing a pathetic schedule of +100 teams and thinking your team should be playing for the national championship!
Imagine playing a pathetic schedule of +100 teams and thinking your team should be playing for the national championship!

Produce evidence of one poster on here or on Herd Nation who thinks that.

Oh, that's right, you're a liar and can't. Imagine that.
So what you're saying is it's hard to believe we lost to coaches that are that bad?

Imagining cheering for a school that would actually hire those two as head coaches.

Oh, you don't have to.
Pull the string and an excuse comes out!
Produce evidence of one poster on here or on Herd Nation who thinks that.

Oh, that's right, you're a liar and can't. Imagine that.

I imagine little boys that get their feelings hurt start name calling!! Imagine that!! Oh, that is right I don't have to!!
Produce evidence of one poster on here or on Herd Nation who thinks that.

Oh, that's right, you're a liar and can't. Imagine that.

You guys were all about that last year when you thought you'd go undefeated. Don't lie.
You guys were all about that last year when you thought you'd go undefeated. Don't lie.

Name calling? Hardly. You guys seriously act like children. You talk shit, saying things of which you clearly fabricated, then dance around and point the finger at the person who called you out on it.

Dildomite is the biggest baby of them all. He's been in meltdown mode ever since going 0-3 and reality set in that once again this year the Ears can't hope for anything better than mediocre.
Name calling? Hardly. You guys seriously act like children. You talk shit, saying things of which you clearly fabricated, then dance around and point the finger at the person who called you out on it.

Dildomite is the biggest baby of them all. He's been in meltdown mode ever since going 0-3 and reality set in that once again this year the Ears can't hope for anything better than mediocre.
We act like children? You are the one spewing the racism, homophobia, mom jokes, wife jokes, age jokes, and obscenity, you hypocritical crybaby...
We act like children? You are the one spewing the racism, homophobia, mom jokes, wife jokes, age jokes, and obscenity, you hypocritical crybaby...

I am telling you that is why I laugh my ass of at these fellas!!!!
When in Rome...

Let's run through this again, shall we?

Produce evidence of one poster on here or on Herd Nation who thinks that.

Oh, that's right, you're a liar and can't. Imagine that.

So, we start off with you calling somebody a liar.

You guys were all about that last year when you thought you'd go undefeated. Don't lie.

I countered with the fact that you guys were talking last year how much you would deserve one of the BCS bowls or a shot at one of the 4 playoff spots if you went undefeated, which is true, and I said, "don't lie". I didn't call you a liar, just implored you to be honest about that statement.

Name calling? Hardly. You guys seriously act like children. You talk shit, saying things of which you clearly fabricated, then dance around and point the finger at the person who called you out on it.

Dildomite is the biggest baby of them all. He's been in meltdown mode ever since going 0-3 and reality set in that once again this year the Ears can't hope for anything better than mediocre.

You respond with "name calling?" ... to a post in which I didn't call you anything ... then you proceed to use "dildomite" and say he is the "biggest baby of them all". You see, that is hypocritical to complain about name calling, especially in a series of posts bookended by you doing the name calling and nobody in between calling you anything.

So, I called you out on your hypocrisy:
Hypocrisy much?

To which you responded as is quoted at the top of this post.

There are all kinds of things that are funny about this, chief among them is your statement that "we guys" "seriously act like children" "you talk shit, blah blah blah ... then dance around ... blah blah blah ... at the person that called you out on it". Which is precisely what you are doing now, and do over and over and over again using childish "insults" and the name calling. All of your hypocrisy epitomized in one easy to follow thread.
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Again, you make statements of which you cannot produce proof.

Show me where one Herd fan poster stated we "deserved a shot at the national championship last year."

Imagine playing a pathetic schedule of +100 teams and thinking your team should be playing for the national championship!

You are a liar. Plain and simple. Saying it over and over will not make this true. You morons are the ones who make these statements up to exaggerate a point. There were fans who were pissed we had been nationally ranked in both AP and Coaches, yet were not in the playoff poll. Fans complained we should have been ranked similarly in the playoff Poll, which would have been just over #20. That's all. Idiots like you try to claim we said more.

I asked for proof. You cannot provide said proof, therefore you're a liar.

Again, you make statements of which you cannot produce proof.

Show me where one Herd fan poster stated we "deserved a shot at the national championship last year."

You are a liar. Plain and simple. Saying it over and over will not make this true. You morons are the ones who make these statements up to exaggerate a point. There were fans who were pissed we had been nationally ranked in both AP and Coaches, yet were not in the playoff poll. Fans complained we should have been ranked similarly in the playoff Poll, which would have been just over #20. That's all. Idiots like you try to claim we said more.

I asked for proof. You cannot provide said proof, therefore you're a liar.

LMAO... I guess I riled your feathers there little name calling boy. You must have read every post on every message board to know what you say is the truth and I am a liar. You should quit trying to compare apples to oranges and stop trying to pound square pegs into round holes. You are a funny lot!!

Again, you make statements of which you cannot produce proof.

Show me where one Herd fan poster stated we "deserved a shot at the national championship last year."

You are a liar. Plain and simple. Saying it over and over will not make this true. You morons are the ones who make these statements up to exaggerate a point. There were fans who were pissed we had been nationally ranked in both AP and Coaches, yet were not in the playoff poll. Fans complained we should have been ranked similarly in the playoff Poll, which would have been just over #20. That's all. Idiots like you try to claim we said more.

I asked for proof. You cannot provide said proof, therefore you're a liar.
We act like children? You are the one spewing the racism, homophobia, mom jokes, wife jokes, age jokes, and obscenity, you hypocritical crybaby...

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