Imagine being a stupid Democrat today?

The sheep will only believe it as the msm reports it. They cannot think on their own.
The conundrum they're in now is there's near unanimous consent among the Praetorian guard (aka MSM) that the poppy pants creepy corpse sh*t all over himself! :rolleyes: Even the most ardent TDS infected election fraud deniers can't ignore that!
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You actually believed Biden wasn't an absolute fuktard and then last night happened.

I am laughing at you.
Watch for MountaineerWV try pulling off he is a conservative again. He definitely is a 'absolute fuktard'.
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You actually believed Biden wasn't an absolute fuktard and then last night happened.

I am laughing at you.
I can't laugh due to extreme anger. Imagine a political machine so hell bent on preserving their power they risk the safety and security of our Nation. Our enemies have to be salivating after watching this compromised moron who has control of the nuclear football. Every democrat voter and every member of the MSM that propped up this idiot owes the Nation an apology for the damage they have done. At this point, its well beyond any political issue, this man is incompetent and has to be removed. But they will not go quietly and the Democrats will burn everything to the ground before they yield power. Deeply concerned about my Country right now.
I can't laugh due to extreme anger. Imagine a political machine so hell bent on preserving their power they risk the safety and security of our Nation. Our enemies have to be salivating after watching this compromised moron who has control of the nuclear football. Every democrat voter and every member of the MSM that propped up this idiot owes the Nation an apology for the damage they have done. At this point, its well beyond any political issue, this man is incompetent and has to be removed. But they will not go quietly and the Democrats will burn everything to the ground before they yield power. Deeply concerned about my Country right now.
100% agreed!
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I can't laugh due to extreme anger. Imagine a political machine so hell bent on preserving their power they risk the safety and security of our Nation. Our enemies have to be salivating after watching this compromised moron who has control of the nuclear football. Every democrat voter and every member of the MSM that propped up this idiot owes the Nation an apology for the damage they have done. At this point, its well beyond any political issue, this man is incompetent and has to be removed. But they will not go quietly and the Democrats will burn everything to the ground before they yield power. Deeply concerned about my Country right now.
Well stated! Keep in mind the Left knew back before the Democrat primaries how weak & feeble minded this cretin was, yet they arranged their entire primary process to assure he'd have no challengers and would be a lock for their nomination. They made sure no one could even think of mounting a successful challenge to his ineffective leadership based on his deteriorating condition which again, they all knew about!

Fast forward to last night, and now all of sudden they're acting surprised he's about to croak on camera? :rolleyes: They knew he was severely infirmed, that's why they kept his old absent minded ass secluded for a week while they "coached" him on how to answer the prepared questions. He STILL went out there and screwed it up! Now they dishonorably just want to dump him because they realize he's about to get wiped out by Trump and just may take the entire corrupt Democrat party machine with him.

Make no mistake. Raw political power is all the Left and Democrats are worried about. They don't care about him, the country and least of all Trump supporters. The Left is straight up Evil. They will do whatever they need to do to maintain their power, including quickly sending the poopy pants creepy corpse off to a retirement home.

They don't need to worry about that atl, I'll take care of sending that walking mummy into hibernation

The sooner the better DJT.
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New Jersey is as Blue as New York...that's bad news for the poopy pants creepy corpse! 😏
Shame isn’t it. Poor grandpa Joe. Guy just wanted “unity” per his inauguration…..

The reality is Biden was the biggest liar and criminal on that stage last night. He’s never done a thing to try and unify this nation! He took the divide Obama started and split this country further
And he still has his dirty paws in there! Divided us. And he didn’t e rn try to bring us together
Yep, definitely divided us. We are more divided today than we’ve been since the 60’s. And we can thank that SOB for it.
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If we had a DOJ that wasn’t compromised, they’d lock him up instead

They might do it if he refuses to step aside. At least start an investigation and start leaking stuff. The Democrats are that dirty. Just like they have done to Trump. Bottom line is The Democrat Parties Policies won't change regardless who is in charge of them. The, don't care who won the election for nomination. They don't care about what their voters think. More importantly as I have been pointing out we have a National Security Crisis right now with the late stage dementia patient.

Impeachment might be their only way out. The Republicans shouldn't agree to that right now in my opinion. They made the mess. Let them wallow in it for a little while.
HALF a MILLION LIKES in 5 hours...

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that's how communists roll...

the new communists getting rid of the old communists...

like what happens in Russia...
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Well stated! Keep in mind the Left knew back before the Democrat primaries how weak & feeble minded this cretin was, yet they arranged their entire primary process to assure he'd have no challengers and would be a lock for their nomination. They made sure no one could even think of mounting a successful challenge to his ineffective leadership based on his deteriorating condition which again, they all knew about!

Fast forward to last night, and now all of sudden they're acting surprised he's about to croak on camera? :rolleyes: They knew he was severely infirmed, that's why they kept his old absent minded ass secluded for a week while they "coached" him on how to answer the prepared questions. He STILL went out there and screwed it up! Now they dishonorably just want to dump him because they realize he's about to get wiped out by Trump and just may take the entire corrupt Democrat party machine with him.

Make no mistake. Raw political power is all the Left and Democrats are worried about. They don't care about him, the country and least of all Trump supporters. The Left is straight up Evil. They will do whatever they need to do to maintain their power, including quickly sending the poopy pants creepy corpse off to a retirement home.

They don't need to worry about that atl, I'll take care of sending that walking mummy into hibernation

The sooner the better DJT.
Oh my brotha my brotha ....ya know as well as I know those dirty bastards knew with out a doubt he was not the man( woman) who would be on the ballot come November . The people behind the new Democrat party is not stupid by any stretch of the imagination and they know how to use the dictionary to their advantage and are well versed in playing the poor and minority, been doing it for years. They have the uncanny ability to change the definition of words racist and vaccine is the easiest, besides illegal to undocumented....
In this game they are playing...they knew Joe Biden was a worm , a weasel, a proven lying dirt bag (88) and him and his family was corrupt as a Asian rub and tug.
Michelle Obama will be on the ticket come November..... they are not stupid and know they can't win on policies so they must play games.....
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Nope. Not a conservative. Never was. And I am not a Biden supporter either. I don’t want old people being our leaders.
We all want young get candidates. Vote for the issues than. You want open borders or I can’t think of what democrats want…. Abortions? You can get those any way…….
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Oh my brotha my brotha ....ya know as well as I know those dirty bastards knew with out a doubt he was not the man( woman) who would be on the ballot come November . The people behind the new Democrat party is not stupid by any stretch of the imagination and they know how to use the dictionary to their advantage and are well versed in playing the poor and minority, been doing it for years. They have the uncanny ability to change the definition of words racist and vaccine is the easiest, besides illegal to undocumented....
In this game they are playing...they knew Joe Biden was a worm , a weasel, a proven lying dirt bag (88) and him and his family was corrupt as a Asian rub and tug.
Michelle Obama will be on the ticket come November..... they are not stupid and know they can't win on policies so they must play games.....
Everything you said here RT my man is of course true EXCEPT...I believe the Dems are stuck with 'ol poopy pants creepy corpse Joe! It's too late to draft someone else, unless they want to have a brokered convention. In that case Kamala " high heels" Harris is the only candidate who their pledged delegates can support. If they throw it open and bypass her, they're going to lose the rest of the Black folks who gave up being Black and are now voting for Trump!

They're stuck with him RT. Serves 'em right! That's what they get for cheating. Now they can watch that mindless old fool go down in flames and take the rest of 'em with him!

Popcorn time baby!

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Oh my brotha my brotha ....ya know as well as I know those dirty bastards knew with out a doubt he was not the man( woman) who would be on the ballot come November . The people behind the new Democrat party is not stupid by any stretch of the imagination and they know how to use the dictionary to their advantage and are well versed in playing the poor and minority, been doing it for years. They have the uncanny ability to change the definition of words racist and vaccine is the easiest, besides illegal to undocumented....
In this game they are playing...they knew Joe Biden was a worm , a weasel, a proven lying dirt bag (88) and him and his family was corrupt as a Asian rub and tug.
Michelle Obama will be on the ticket come November..... they are not stupid and know they can't win on policies so they must play games.....
Of course they knew. They got busted in 2020 fixing the primary to keep Bernie from winning. This time they fixed that problem by not letting the Dem voters choose their candidate. They will select their candidate at the convention and do it without that candidate getting a single vote.

Then those fools will pretend that person is who everyone has to vote for to save democracy.
Of course they knew. They got busted in 2020 fixing the primary to keep Bernie from winning. This time they fixed that problem by not letting the Dem voters choose their candidate. They will select their candidate at the convention and do it without that candidate getting a single vote.

Then those fools will pretend that person is who everyone has to vote for to save democracy.
Those folks are straight up Evil. Don't doubt what you say here is possible, all I know is if they bypass Kamala after dropping 'ol poopy pants creepy corpse Joe there will be Hell to pay for them...especially with black women! They're screwed no matter what they do, which is why I think they'll just ride it out with poopy pants and try to drag his absent minded creepy corpse over the finish line.

Won't work Leftists
I can't laugh due to extreme anger. Imagine a political machine so hell bent on preserving their power they risk the safety and security of our Nation. Our enemies have to be salivating after watching this compromised moron who has control of the nuclear football. Every democrat voter and every member of the MSM that propped up this idiot owes the Nation an apology for the damage they have done. At this point, its well beyond any political issue, this man is incompetent and has to be removed. But they will not go quietly and the Democrats will burn everything to the ground before they yield power. Deeply concerned about my Country right now.
You are correct. Notice I am laughing at them not at the situation. Stupid people who act otherwise should be mocked
You actually believed Biden wasn't an absolute fuktard and then last night happened.

I am laughing at you.
CNN will claim all Biden video is fake video patched together to hurt Braindead Fred(Joe)...
You actually believed Biden wasn't an absolute fuktard and then last night happened.

I am laughing at you.
That debate proved without a doubt that the leftist community has been lying to us for the last few years about Biden's infirmities. This comes back to bite them since they can't replace Joe on the ticket without his agreement to drop out...