I'm sad Thread view won't be a part of the new forum

Re: I was able to preview them

Thread view is not popular? Really? I don't like Topic view at all.
Re: I was able to preview them

The triple prick will be at total silence if he cannot tell lies. Then he attempts to blame someone else. Have to be good to your word now - may be good and not so good.
Re: I was able to preview them

I will give the new look a chance but I'm guessing it will only cause me to read even less than I currently do. No way I will open up a Topic by one of the many Trolls around here hoping to find an interesting conversation. It just doesn't happen.
I detest topic view for this type of forum. It works

in certain forums, where usage is extremely high and topics remain constantly relevant, but Bru's right... Thread's the way to go, especially for this forum.
Re: Sorry, but Topic view is the standard on most forums

Originally posted by Mntneer:
in certain forums, where usage is extremely high and topics remain constantly relevant, but Bru's right... Thread's the way to go, especially for this forum.
Learn to use the quote button.
Re: Sorry, but Topic view is the standard on most forums

Originally posted by Popeer:

Originally posted by Mntneer:
in certain forums, where usage is extremely high and topics remain constantly relevant, but Bru's right... Thread's the way to go, especially for this forum.
Learn to use the quote button.
The only time I use thread view is when people only put something in the subject and nothing in the body and I have no idea who they are referring to in their statement.

Using the quote button makes it clear.

I like topic view because on the front page all I get is the thread topic. If it's not something I'm interested in it is only taking up 1 line on the screen, instead of 30 lines because it shows the subject in every response to it.

I've always used topic view. It's not really as hard to follow along as it may seem if you aren't used to it. To each his own though, I know a lot of people really prefer thread view so it's a shame it's going away.