I'm not big Geraldo fan, but he is spot on this time

Well how long have the liberal Dems been running the show in Baltimore? Do they need more time?

These problems are more complex than just political parties.

Boy, if only Republicans ran the whole world there were would be no more hunger, nor income inequality, nor racial strife, nor religious persecutions.

By God it would be Utopia!!!!
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These problems are more complex than just political parties.

Boy, if only Republicans ran the whole world there were would be no more hunger, nor income inequality, nor racial strife, nor religious persecutions.

By God it would be Utopia!!!!

Wow, you really are bipartisan, lmao.
These problems are more complex than just political parties.

Boy, if only Republicans ran the whole world there were would be no more hunger, nor income inequality, nor racial strife, nor religious persecutions.

By God it would be Utopia!!!!

Someone questions the Democrat leadership in Baltimore and you go off the deep end. Yea, I now see how non partisan you really are. Also you said this: "There are no statistics kept on police killings". Are you serious? I hate to inform you , but that information is available even to the level of the NAMES of every victim. Even the names of every Police officer murdered are available. Also stats are available for year,age,race and several other factors.
Someone questions the Democrat leadership in Baltimore and you go off the deep end. Yea, I now see how non partisan you really are. Also you said this: "There are no statistics kept on police killings". Are you serious? I hate hate inform you , but that information is available even to the level of the NAMES of every victim. Even the names of every Police officer murdered are available. Also stats are available for year,age,race and several other factors.

Clearly you don't understand my point ... again. I have no issue with somebody questioning Democratic leadership, but I do have an issue when somebody tries to condense complex issues into such a narrow category. It isn't as simple as which party is in control. It never has been and it never will be.

I find it comical and a little sad how so many people seem to think the two parties are really that different.

As for the "no statistics" comment, I meant that there are no comprehensive and complete national statistics. I'll even use Fox News as a source so you can't try to discredit the source.
These problems are more complex than just political parties.

Boy, if only Republicans ran the whole world there were would be no more hunger, nor income inequality, nor racial strife, nor religious persecutions.

By God it would be Utopia!!!!
While I agree with your general premise that there isn't much difference between political parties, there are some actual results that can be pointed to. The policies and "safety nets" put in place to supposedly help areas like inner city Baltimore have not worked. In my opinion a case can be made that the inner cities are worse off now than they were before the policies were put in place. Sure, there are other issues, but the original intent behind these programs were to bridge the gap and allow a safety net for someone to lift themselves out. The problem is that assumes the individuals will use them as intended and that is not the case. Now you factor in the external factors that you mention and it turns the individuals into slaves to the system and does not help, it barely sustains. It needs a complete overhaul and frankly, for those who refuse to be contributors and don't want to be contributors, they shouldn't be sustained.
While I agree with your general premise that there isn't much difference between political parties, there are some actual results that can be pointed to. The policies and "safety nets" put in place to supposedly help areas like inner city Baltimore have not worked. In my opinion a case can be made that the inner cities are worse off now than they were before the policies were put in place. Sure, there are other issues, but the original intent behind these programs were to bridge the gap and allow a safety net for someone to lift themselves out. The problem is that assumes the individuals will use them as intended and that is not the case. Now you factor in the external factors that you mention and it turns the individuals into slaves to the system and does not help, it barely sustains. It needs a complete overhaul and frankly, for those who refuse to be contributors and don't want to be contributors, they shouldn't be sustained.

You are exactly right. A democrat congressman just yesterday proposed spending much more money on social programs in Baltimore. Simply throwing money at this problem is certainly not the answer. Until family structures become more stable, these problems will continue to persist.
You are exactly right. A democrat congressman just yesterday proposed spending much more money on social programs in Baltimore. Simply throwing money at this problem is certainly not the answer. Until family structures become more stable, these problems will continue to persist.

The problem is they are a bunch of dumbasses ............ LITERALLY.

One of their own comminity leaders stated: "They lack education and intellect so they communicate through violence."

How quaint.

Let me guess ...... "the man" kept them uneducated.
While I agree with your general premise that there isn't much difference between political parties, there are some actual results that can be pointed to. The policies and "safety nets" put in place to supposedly help areas like inner city Baltimore have not worked. In my opinion a case can be made that the inner cities are worse off now than they were before the policies were put in place. Sure, there are other issues, but the original intent behind these programs were to bridge the gap and allow a safety net for someone to lift themselves out. The problem is that assumes the individuals will use them as intended and that is not the case. Now you factor in the external factors that you mention and it turns the individuals into slaves to the system and does not help, it barely sustains. It needs a complete overhaul and frankly, for those who refuse to be contributors and don't want to be contributors, they shouldn't be sustained.

I can't disagree with a single thing that you said. Detroit has been under Democratic leadership as well and of course they are a mess ... but again, it's more complex than simply what party is in control.

"The problem is that assumes the individuals will use them as intended and that is not the case. Now you factor in the external factors that you mention and it turns the individuals into slaves to the system and does not help, it barely sustains. It needs a complete overhaul and frankly, for those who refuse to be contributors and don't want to be contributors, they shouldn't be sustained."

This hits the nail on the head. There has to be a factor of personal responsibility with anything that's done. There is no political party that's going to solve that. The Democratic approach didn't work. In theory, it's probably not a bad idea to provide all of that, but it is predicated on the assumption that people WANT to be contributors.

It's clear that the Democrat's approach hasn't worked, that's not my argument at all. I'm just saying that a change in party in leadership isn't going to be some panacea either. Does anybody wake up in the morning and say "oh, well, now there's a democratic/republican mayor, so I better go do ____"
I can't disagree with a single thing that you said. Detroit has been under Democratic leadership as well and of course they are a mess ... but again, it's more complex than simply what party is in control.

"The problem is that assumes the individuals will use them as intended and that is not the case. Now you factor in the external factors that you mention and it turns the individuals into slaves to the system and does not help, it barely sustains. It needs a complete overhaul and frankly, for those who refuse to be contributors and don't want to be contributors, they shouldn't be sustained."

This hits the nail on the head. There has to be a factor of personal responsibility with anything that's done. There is no political party that's going to solve that. The Democratic approach didn't work. In theory, it's probably not a bad idea to provide all of that, but it is predicated on the assumption that people WANT to be contributors.

It's clear that the Democrat's approach hasn't worked, that's not my argument at all. I'm just saying that a change in party in leadership isn't going to be some panacea either. Does anybody wake up in the morning and say "oh, well, now there's a democratic/republican mayor, so I better go do ____"
I guess the question I have, is how long do we continue doing the same thing with the same leadership and the same policies and expect different results? I think we or at least what I am saying is we need to try something completely different and the DNC is not the party that is going to or even willing to try that. I think its more likely to come from the GOP. I don't know how much change they would try to usher in, and for sure whatever the change was it would be shouted down pretty heavily from the left.

So, what is the answer. We can't continue down the same road status-quo.
I guess the question I have, is how long do we continue doing the same thing with the same leadership and the same policies and expect different results?

So, what is the answer. We can't continue down the same road status-quo.

You're absolutely right. Continuing down the same road, that has proven not to work, is lunacy. Now I want to go back to the OP's post.

the problem in Baltimore is, and I quote......"50 years of failed liberal democratic policies",set,match

Have there been 50 years of failed liberal democratic policies? Yes. Is that THE problem with Baltimore? No, there are a lot more issues than that.
How is Republican leadership going to solve that?

It is not going to be easy. But it must start with education. All communities are affected by the breakdown in the family unit, but the black and Latino community issues are very acute. Cultural leaders (Hollywood, Entertainment and Sports celebrities) need to become a part of a movement to encourage fathers to stay in the lives of their children. Social programs and tax policy need to reinformce the importance of family. New minority leaders must be found to reinforce the message of strong families. Churches must be engaged in this struggle as well as business leaders. It takes honesty and leadership and someone willing to upset the status quo.
How is Republican leadership going to solve that?

It isn't. 137 Million Ashley Madison members kind of tells the story. The continued decay of the American moral system. Don't let doc hear that you believe that's true though. Morals don't mean squat if you ask some people.
It isn't. 137 Million Ashley Madison members kind of tells the story. The continued decay of the American moral system. Don't let doc hear that you believe that's true though. Morals don't mean squat if you ask some people.

What is an "Ashley Madison member?"
Subscribers to the biggest adultery hookup website there is.

OK. Hadn't heard of that, I thought that's what Tinder was? Gotcha now. I didn't fully understand your point without knowing that.

Personal responsibility is lacking (and this is absolutely NOT isolated to the black community) ... no political party is going to solve that.
It isn't. 137 Million Ashley Madison members kind of tells the story. The continued decay of the American moral system. Don't let doc hear that you believe that's true though. Morals don't mean squat if you ask some people.

Doc is a hapless jackass. Enough said.
OK. Hadn't heard of that, I thought that's what Tinder was? Gotcha now. I didn't fully understand your point without knowing that.

I knew of the website, but didn't know the subscriber count until this morning on talk radio. I was shocked.

If we can't remain faithful to our spouses, there's no point in a family. If there's no family unit in the US.... We're done is all I can say. I'm not taking GE's Doomed stance yet though. If we were a Christian nation at one point, we certainly aren't now.
OK. Hadn't heard of that, I thought that's what Tinder was? Gotcha now. I didn't fully understand your point without knowing that.

Personal responsibility is lacking (and this is absolutely NOT isolated to the black community) ... no political party is going to solve that.

Your are 100% correct. And also I don't know if Republican leadership in Baltimore can do any better. BUT, I do know that UNTIL we have Black DEMOCRAT leadership call it like it is, the "victim mentality" will never change. It's so bad that we now have that so called leadership saying the word "thug" is taboo. Any time a conservative BLACK calls it for what it is, they are quickly labeled and viewed as "TOMS" in the community. The "boss hogs" of the world like Elijah Cummings and to a certain extent, Barrack Obama, only see VOTES. That's is a sad commentary on the world we live in. If you were a minority who would you look to, someone who blames your plight on the oppressive "man", or someone who asks you to act responsibly.
Any time a conservative BLACK calls it for what it is, they are quickly labeled and viewed as "TOMS" in the community.

I think this is a symptom of one of the core issues. And whether the city is controlled by democrats or republicans isn't going to make much of a difference on this. That has been my point from the beginning. Democrats haven't solved the problem, true, but they aren't the root cause of the problem.
That's a riot. Typical.
The problem is - no one will tell us what the problem is. White says that is a problem , but not the root problem. Or, that problem is not restricted to the black community.

Is everyone afraid to tell us what THE problem is? How do we fix THE problem? If it hasn't risen to 'problem level' in the other communities, why can it not be attacked in the black area if it is defined as a problem in the area? Why does it have to rise to a problem in all areas and fix it in white before addressing it as a problem in black?

That makes no sense. If you can Id a problem, fix it while it is little and only affects one area. The soc folks have not corrected problems, because they refuse to recognize the problem. PC run amuck? You bet your sweet ass is the correct answer to a problem that we cannot assign to people for fear of causing damage to their self esteem.