I'm looking past this pick'em....

Re: We are tied for first place

To be honest i think doc broke him. Not that momo didnt destroy him.
Re: We are tied for first place

He had it coming. I view this place as juvenile fun. But after some of the shit that he pulled with me with members of my club, I wouldn't walk across the street to piss in his mouth if his guts were on fire-no matter how much he'd enjoy it. That guy is a freak. He acts like a freak and he looks like a freak. I sort of feel sorry for him in a way though. He has problems.
Re: We are tied for first place

Trust me i know. He never came to my office that i know of. He did call my company when i worked in charlotte trying to get me fired. Stu's company.
Re: We are tied for first place

I just got a message from Stu. He's invited several of his high school buds over to the mountains of NC this fall for a boys' golf weekend. Stu's a great guy and fun to be around-for a damn republican.
Re: We are tied for first place

I really liked him and he was great to work for. The company i am wi5h now is working with Stu on some bridges. If it eventually works out i might get to take him to lunch someday.

that golf weekend sounds fun.

He used to tell some funny stories about shenanigans in blacksburg. I think you might have been involved.
Re: We are tied for first place

The closest I ever came to being arrested was with Stu and a few other guys in blacksburg one night before a WVU-VT football game. Probably would've been in about 1982. There was a fight, a broken pane-glass store window in the middle of downtown blacksburg, a stolen license plate from my car, a girl in hysterics, being detained by police for about and hour and in between all that we were thrown out of a bar. Fun times.
Triple Prick broke his heart and Knox didn't recover

I understand that other reasons have been offered. But the real story goes as follows:

Triple Prick was telling the board the love he had for minorities and oppressed. Because I used the word black, 3P called me a racist. Of course one word and name led to another and I eventually called Triple Prick a Cock-Sucker. 3P agreed and said he was a better cock-sucker than Knox.

At about the same time Momo and others were giving Knox a hard time over Knox's incessant bragging about how good he looked and the way he had his clothes altered to accentuate his physique. I told Knox and reminded him that it was the weekend and couldn't find someone to give a blow job. He said he would love to have a big sloppy dick to suck on.

After that background , Knox told Triple Prick that he was going to be town and suggested they get together. 3P mentioned a couple places that were nice for dinner. Knox took off Thursday or Friday for an extended weekend get away from his busy schedule of developing businesses. Sounded like a date was arranged to people on the board.

I understand that Knox showed up at 3P's business with loving on his mind and resolve as to who was the best cock-sucker. Sounded like it scared the hell out of 3P who ran into his office and wouldn't come out.

Knox left Tenn with a broken heart because he had been stood up. He did reappear on the board with another name, but could not get 3P to give verbal support like he had always done previously. Knox rode off into the sunset, not to be heard from since.

Only love can break a heart. Only love can mend it again.

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