Our coverage, fame, exposure, facilities, financial resources, comparative academic standing, and WVU being Mama's favorite, really chafes the Herd fans. They get so frustrated, every year, being the little train that could and end up derailing every year and spewing tax payer dollars everywhere. They'll put their little cars back on the track in September and start the, 'I think I can, I think I can, ....' chant once more. But, it is comical to watch every year.
Under the Kubler-Ross model, I doubt Marshall fans will ever achieve the acceptance stage. They stay static in the denial. They tried 'bargaining' but it yielded a 5 for 2 football series and 7 consecutive losses. They tried to bargain the BB series and it got them ostracized. So, back to the denial stage..... Classic
“The most confused you will ever get is when you try to convince your heart and spirit of something your mind knows is a lie.”