I think Joe Scarborough has broken up with trumplethinskin....


Dec 7, 2010
Santa Cruz, CA
‘They can’t defend the indefensible’: Morning Joe calls on GOP leadership to abandon Trump over Russia
21 Mar 2017 at 07:29 ET

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski were astounded by FBI Director James Comey’s revelations that President Donald Trump and his campaign were under investigation for their alleged ties to Russia.

The “Morning Joe” host, a former Republican congressman, warned GOP lawmakers that defending the president from investigators could cost them in the next election.

“Republicans have to understand right now, if this continues, and this is awfully early to say this, but if this continues, at least in the House, and there were a lot of Senate seats, they are going to be shocks Election Night if they don’t take care of themselves,” Scarborough said.

Scarborough and Brzezinski agreed that Monday’s hearing, which featured testimony from both Comey and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers, would not have happened if Trump had not accused his predecessor of wiretapping his campaign — which both officials found no evidence to support.

“If the Republican Party doesn’t start taking care of itself and stop making fools of themselves for a guy who is going to keep tweeting lies and nonsense — they can’t chase that around,” Scarborough said. “They can’t defend the indefensible.”

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Brzezinski said GOP lawmakers appear blind to the seriousness of the situation.

“They can’t see what a sad and grave time this is for our country,” she said.
Boy, he hammered Rep Gowdy (is that his name, the congressman from SC ) this morning over ignoring the important aspects of the hearing yesterday and focusing on the leaks.
The “Morning Joe” host, a former Republican congressman, warned GOP lawmakers that defending the president from investigators could cost them in the next election.
I've been wondering about this very point for a long time. Ryan has found a way to work with Biff while keeping his distance. I would imagine anyone overly supportive of him will be out on a limb on election day.
‘They can’t defend the indefensible’: Morning Joe calls on GOP leadership to abandon Trump over Russia
21 Mar 2017 at 07:29 ET

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski were astounded by FBI Director James Comey’s revelations that President Donald Trump and his campaign were under investigation for their alleged ties to Russia.

The “Morning Joe” host, a former Republican congressman, warned GOP lawmakers that defending the president from investigators could cost them in the next election.

“Republicans have to understand right now, if this continues, and this is awfully early to say this, but if this continues, at least in the House, and there were a lot of Senate seats, they are going to be shocks Election Night if they don’t take care of themselves,” Scarborough said.

Scarborough and Brzezinski agreed that Monday’s hearing, which featured testimony from both Comey and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers, would not have happened if Trump had not accused his predecessor of wiretapping his campaign — which both officials found no evidence to support.

“If the Republican Party doesn’t start taking care of itself and stop making fools of themselves for a guy who is going to keep tweeting lies and nonsense — they can’t chase that around,” Scarborough said. “They can’t defend the indefensible.”

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Brzezinski said GOP lawmakers appear blind to the seriousness of the situation.

“They can’t see what a sad and grave time this is for our country,” she said.
He's a Deep State lib puppet.
Why should the leadership abandon Trump over Russia? Is there evidence that suggests that Trump worked with Russia or is this all because of his wiretapping tweet?
I've been wondering about this very point for a long time. Ryan has found a way to work with Biff while keeping his distance. I would imagine anyone overly supportive of him will be out on a limb on election day.

More predictions, I love it!
‘They can’t defend the indefensible’: Morning Joe calls on GOP leadership to abandon Trump over Russia
21 Mar 2017 at 07:29 ET

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski were astounded by FBI Director James Comey’s revelations that President Donald Trump and his campaign were under investigation for their alleged ties to Russia.

The “Morning Joe” host, a former Republican congressman, warned GOP lawmakers that defending the president from investigators could cost them in the next election.

“Republicans have to understand right now, if this continues, and this is awfully early to say this, but if this continues, at least in the House, and there were a lot of Senate seats, they are going to be shocks Election Night if they don’t take care of themselves,” Scarborough said.

Scarborough and Brzezinski agreed that Monday’s hearing, which featured testimony from both Comey and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers, would not have happened if Trump had not accused his predecessor of wiretapping his campaign — which both officials found no evidence to support.

“If the Republican Party doesn’t start taking care of itself and stop making fools of themselves for a guy who is going to keep tweeting lies and nonsense — they can’t chase that around,” Scarborough said. “They can’t defend the indefensible.”

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Brzezinski said GOP lawmakers appear blind to the seriousness of the situation.

“They can’t see what a sad and grave time this is for our country,” she said.

Joe was never in with Trump. He, like many level headed individuals, saw the huge flaws in Hillary and were trying to warn the left, and even the right, of what the Dems were about to do in nominating Hillary and electing Trump.
Why are the leaks not important? I thought we had decided we wanted Russian collusion and leaks investigated?
Leaks if illegal is very important but it wasn't really the two main purposes of the hearing yesterday. And the house members knew that and didn't need to waste time asking about it in yesterday's setting. They knew Comey wouldn't discuss or even acknowledge if there is an investigation on leaks.
Leaks if illegal is very important but it wasn't really the two main purposes of the hearing yesterday. And the house members knew that and didn't need to waste time asking about it in yesterday's setting. They knew Comey wouldn't discuss or even acknowledge if there is an investigation on leaks.
It's like a guy cheating on his wife, she is told about it and confronts him, and all he wants to talk about is how she found out and question the credibility of her source. Leaks, while maybe illegal, have been going on in DC for eons. Only now do the wingnuts seems concerned.
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It's like a guy cheating on his wife, she is told about it and confronts him, and all he wants to talk about is how she found out and question the credibility of her source. Leaks, while maybe illegal, have been going on in DC for eons. Only now do the wingnuts seems concerned.
This is just about as dishonest a conclusion as one could draw.
It's like a guy cheating on his wife, she is told about it and confronts him, and all he wants to talk about is how she found out and question the credibility of her source. Leaks, while maybe illegal, have been going on in DC for eons. Only now do the wingnuts seems concerned.

Kinda like all the left wanted to do during the election was talk about how Wikileaks got the material and not the substance of the material?

Seems to me the material matters.
It's like a guy cheating on his wife, she is told about it and confronts him, and all he wants to talk about is how she found out and question the credibility of her source. Leaks, while maybe illegal, have been going on in DC for eons. Only now do the wingnuts seems concerned.

Haven't you heard? The problem with Watergate wasn't breaking in to the DNC headquarters or lying to investigators, it was Deepthroat.
Kinda like all the left wanted to do during the election was talk about how Wikileaks got the material and not the substance of the material?

Seems to me the material matters.

That's 4 or 5 levels deep now at this point, we'll never get back to the original reason for all the hubbub.
And on the leaks, it is so disingenuous that Trump, Gowdy and most republicans bitching about the leaks. They cheered and welcomed Russians and wikileaks into Hillary and Gowdy was lead dog in the investigation and couldn't care less about leaks on her. All are scum with these hypocritical activities
And on the leaks, it is so disingenuous that Trump, Gowdy and most republicans bitching about the leaks. They cheered and welcomed Russians and wikileaks into Hillary and Gowdy was lead dog in the investigation and couldn't care less about leaks on her. All are scum with these hypocritical activities
Yup, they only care now that Biff is in the middle of it. Biff, the very guy who said the Russians weren't involved without having any evidence to back up that claim. Yeah, I see smoke.
Haven't you heard? The problem with Watergate wasn't breaking in to the DNC headquarters or lying to investigators, it was Deepthroat.
Weren't you shitting in you diaper when all that went down? I guess some things never got changed.
Weren't you shitting in you diaper when all that went down? I guess some things never got changed.
Yup, they only care now that Biff is in the middle of it. Biff, the very guy who said the Russians weren't involved without having any evidence to back up that claim. Yeah, I see smoke.
It is funny that out of all of this you are by far the craziest liberal of all. PS. Hillary gonna win, election over. Tell me that again. HAHAHA!!!