I just love the IRS


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2001
My wife and I were unable to E-file our 2014 return due to a possible ID theft......possibly related to the Anthem BCBS ID theft we filed via hard copy.

Yesterday, we get two copies of the same 5071C letter from the IRS stating they need "more information" to process our return (the letter was addressed to my wife alone, rather than both of us). There's a website which allows one to conduct this identification verification process online based on receipt of this letter; but after filling out the 3-4 page questionnaire (correctly, I think), the site claims her ID cannot be verified online and that I have to call.

Of course, when I call the listed 800 number, the automated attendant states there's too much call volume pertaining to the problem and that I need to call back (after which it just hangs up). If I can't find a way to eventually get through to the IRS by phone.....and once I inputted her/our info initially into the website, it's now locked me out and is forcing me to call......our return won't be processed until 12/31/15.

Just grand......I'm wondering if anyone here has had the "good" fortune to have received one of these 5071C letters (and if so, if you successfully managed it online).
It's a massive problem...

Good news for you is your wife will get a new IP PIN before the rest of us. The letter was addressed to your wife alone because that was the ID that was already filed. The IRS computers don't know which is real. It will be about a 3-4 month issue for you.

We keep on gutting and gutting the IRS, are we really allowed to be surprised by these problems?
PS - Call the 800 number listed in the 5071C letter EARLY in the

the morning (7am eastern). They will get you straightened out.
Re: PS - Call the 800 number listed in the 5071C letter EARLY in the

As it turned out, I tried the 800# couple more times this afternoon.....and lo and behold, I at least got into the hold queue (though I waited 30 minutes for a human to answer) before the system hung up on me.

Strictly speaking, I can't say my problems were "solved"; but I at least connected with what seemed like a reasonably competent CSR who advised me to resend
my return to a different address than before (apparently, directly to the Identity Verification Service in Austin TX from where the 5071C letter originated). I can also fax the resubmittal; which I'm not altogether sure is a good idea (though I assume the number she gave me is a little more secure than the typical office fax machine over there on the secretary's desk)

I also had a chance to answer a few advance of my resubmittal.....which may help clarify some of the issues at work here (and which the CSR claims to have entered into my file). Assuming the resubmittal is accepted normally, I'd have to say this could have been worse than it actually proved to be.

I just hate relying on paper returns anymore......
Re: PS - Call the 800 number listed in the 5071C letter EARLY in the

Originally posted by COOL MAN:

I just hate relying on paper returns anymore......
You'll be back to eFileing next year. Their fax numbers are usually for individual people, so the fax number he gave you is probably his.
Re: "We"? Give the credit where it is due

only the Republicans are responsible for gutting the IRS as they believe once they get rid of it, I guess the Easter Bunny will do all the work that they do and are able to fund the Treasury.

For all the nuts, please continue voting for your favorite GOP member as they will eventually destroy this great country.
Re: "We"? Give the credit where it is due

yes bru...its just republicans destroying this country. maybe if you can be more like rpj and repeat wingnut, neocon, etc. a few more times it will make whatever words that stumble out of your mouth true.
Re: hey dumbass, quit breathing so hard out of your mouth and

answer one question. What party is constantly slashing the IRS budget and is trying to get rid of it?

I'm guessing you are not able to answer anything so I won't be expecting an honest answer.
Re: hey that's a new one

i'm proud of you for not using wingnut. did i make comment stating the the pubs weren't gutting the irs?? maybe the pubs don't think the irs needs all that money to target conservative donor groups or go after people who can't afford a healthcare policy. my statement was more in line with the idea that both parties are doing a pretty good job of destroying this country. but you keep picking sides and talking tough on the internet toughguy
Re: hey that's a new one

And my comment was specific and your little and warped mind took it another direction. Don't get all huffy when you are incapable of sticking to a point of the conversation
Re: hey that's a new one

"yes bru...its just republicans destroying this country." so where did i state anything at all about the irs? it's ok...we all make mistakes
Re: hey that's a new one

since you want to stick up for the poor old irs it wasn't too hard to hammer down on them, whether it was dems or pubs, after you see something like this happen:

"The Internal Revenue Service held 225 employee conferences between 2010 and 2012, at a total cost of $49 million, according to a new report from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA). The report also revealed the embattled agency used funding originally slated to hire front-line employees to foot most of the bill for a $4.1 million conference held in Anaheim, Calif., in 2010."

and there is a link in case you forgot about this debacle

all together now...the pooooor ol irs....the poooor poooor irs...

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