I had to buy a new stove last night. Not a planned purchase...


Aug 7, 2003
It just shut off in the middle of making french fries to go with BLT's. After some research it seemed it may just be dead or not worth fixing. It was at least 10 years old and starting to have a few problems.

So my wife and I set off to buy a new one. We started at Sears, we were clearly kicking the tires on the stoves and in 10 to 15 min of doing so no one came to ask if they could help. Not even a greeting of any sort. So we left...

We went across the street to Lowes, walk to the appliance section and start kicking the tires on all the ones we liked. We get a greeting of hello and then the guy disappears and after another 5 min or so we finally give up.

We ended up going to HHGreg (which is where I like anyway). They greet us at the door and proceed to tell us all about the different features available in our price point.

Sears had the lowest price on the stove we wanted to buy so we would have bought from them. I guess this is part of the reason these big box stores are struggling? There couldn't have been more 10 people in Sears.

Oh and HHGreg matched the Sears price so it all worked out.
That surprises me about Sears; Sales help.....especially in Appliances and areas like garden machines.....was always a hallmark (if that's what you want to call it) of what they stood for. But since I don't shop there, I admit to having no real idea what's become of them.

As for HH Gregg, from what I can surmise, I believe they have a reputation for being viewed as fairly pushy and high-pressure. BTW, the last 5 major kitchen appliances we've purchased......dishwasher, washer, refrigerator, range, and microwave......all came from HHG.
I would agree on the description of "high pressure" although, I have never felt like it was high pressure. They certainly get to you as soon as you walk in the door. Which is why we started at Sears and Lowes so we could browse a little on our own before talking with a salesman. Now that I think of it I may have just negated my own statement above.

Like you CM, all of my recent major appliance purchases have come from HHG. Dishwasher, washer and dryer, TV and now a stove.