I don't think GT is necessarily a target of the B10


Gold Member
Mar 12, 2004
My parent's basement
It is clear that the B10 has tried to go after similar institutions with regards to expansion. Looking at the school profiles of already committed B10 programs, they all have either their own law and med schools, or have partnerships/associations with them.

My brother-in-law is a VT grad and he claims VT has applied for AAU membership in order to get into the B10 along with UVA... This after just a few months back touting how committed to the ACC that VT was and that it was about academics in the ACC. So just assume VT fans are F.O.S.

Anyway, it has been rumored that the B10 was interested in GT because of the Atlanta market. Maybe that's true, but the don't have a law school or med school, so to me that says they don't meet the academic profile of the B10, nor does VT.

I had said in another thread I thought the B10 would grow to 18 and take UVA, UNC, GT & Duke.

I am changing my opinion now, and I believe UVA & UNC will be the only two teams left in the ACC that go to the B10.

I think VT & NC State still end up in the SEC.

For the B12, I think FSU, Clemson, GT, Pitt, Louisville and one of either Cincy, UConn, Syracuse, Miami, or Duke being team number 16. I SERIOUSLY doubt Duke will ever truly consider it unless there is no other option left... and with all the defections, there may not be. Duke versus Kansas in basketball every year would be a huge pick up for the B12. That said, for some strange reason (maybe geography and the Cincy market), I think Cincy would be the choice for #16.

The ACC would be left with Duke, Wake, Miami, & Syracuse. They would in my opinion move to bring in UConn, Memphis, USF, UCF, Temple, and Navy for all sports, and attempt to bring in Georgetown and Villanova in basketball. They may get around to offering them the chance to move up to FBS in football as well. Nova can play in that soccer stadium and GT can work a deal with Dan Snyder to play their games at RFK. He is always looking for ways to use the stadium for other purposes.

Back to the B12, the schools may not all line up perfectly geographically, but it does provide for each school to have reasonably close geographic rivals.

FSU, GT, & Clemson (ACC rivals).

WVU, Pitt, Cincy, and Louisville (Big East rivals).

Kansas, Kansas State, Iowa State, Oklahoma, & Oklahoma State (Big Eight rivals).

Texas, Texas Tech, Baylor, TCU (SWC rivals).

I actually now believe divisions are unnecessary. Every year, a new schedule is released rotating through the schools in the conference. Long time rivals like Texas-Oklahoma, WVU-Pitt, etc... would face each other every year. There could be a set up where each school has 4 gauranteed rival games each season (two home, two away). The rest would be rotated conference games.

An attempt to ensure close geographic games would be made. At the end of the year, the top two teams face each other in the conference title game. Fairly simple set up.
If not GT then who? No way the BIG goes VT and VA when the have Maryland. My guess is they won't go after either unless needed. I still think GT and BC are the next targets although I can see GT balk at be the only real southern team.
Originally posted by Mountaineer Steve:
If not GT then who? No way the BIG goes VT and VA when the have Maryland. My guess is they won't go after either unless needed. I still think GT and BC are the next targets although I can see GT balk at be the only real southern team.
GT is very much a target of the B10. Wouldn't be shocking to see that move come soon.
VT-Grads are so full of themselves. You don't apply for AAU membership, it's by invitation only. Their focus on agricultural research, no medical school, along with the low number of faculty who are members of the National Academies pretty much ensures that they will not be invited to the AAU without serious upgrades, which would likely be decades away.

VT will be invited to the B1G about the same time WVU is, and WVU might actually be further along than them.
How do you guys justify making this stuff up? None of it has any substance or validity. It's just your little fabrications and fantasies and none of it is based in reality. The ACC will be around and will not lose any members that you claim they will lose. You'll never learn, will you.

When any of your little fantasies or rumors ever materialize into reality, it will be the first time. LOL!

Here, I have one for you that fits the level of fantasy here. My brother-in-laws', friend's, attorney's accountant knows a friend of one of the cheerleaders for an ACC school who says that Texas, OU, KSU, TT and Kansas will all be invited to the Mountain West Conference and will accept within the month. Not only that, but they'll all get $20 billion each for joining the Mountain West. How'd I do?
Originally posted by HailToPitt1985:

How do you guys justify making this stuff up? None of it has any substance or validity. It's just your little fabrications and fantasies and none of it is based in reality. The ACC will be around and will not lose any members that you claim they will lose. You'll never learn, will you.

When any of your little fantasies or rumors ever materialize into reality, it will be the first time. LOL!

Here, I have one for you that fits the level of fantasy here. My brother-in-laws', friend's, attorney's accountant knows a friend of one of the cheerleaders for an ACC school who says that Texas, OU, KSU, TT and Kansas will all be invited to the Mountain West Conference and will accept within the month. Not only that, but they'll all get $20 billion each for joining the Mountain West. How'd I do?

Yea, it's not like we don't have any evidence of teams leaving the ACC within the last year.

Re: More teams have left the Big 12 in the last year.**

Yes, prior to league teams signing on to the Grant of Rights. Teams aren't leaving the Big 12 in the next 5-7 years because of that agreement. You can't say that about the ACC, because one team has already left with a $50 million buyout. And more are likely to come.
Re: More teams have left the Big 12 in the last year.**

Hoping to see the Big 12 be one of the 4 major superconferences after this is all done. It would be great to see the SEC pick up NC State and Virginia Tech to further destabilize the ACC. Then I want to see the Big 12 rip the ACC apart by taking Florida State, Georgia Tech, Clemson, North Carolina, Duke and Virginia. UVA, UNC and GT are being rumored as B1G expansion candidates but i think they would fit better in the Big 12 which has a more southern feel with the Texas schools. This would add to the B12's football power by adding some good football programs and it would expand the basketball tradition in the B12 tremendously by adding UNC and Duke. Here would be my divisions:

Division A
Iowa State, Oklahoma, Texas Tech, West Virginia

Division B
Baylor, Clemson, Duke, Kansas State

Division C
Georgia Tech, Kansas, Texas, Virginia

Division D
Florida State, North Carolina, Oklahoma State, TCU

I tried to even the conferences out geographically since this conference would have a more national feel so I tried to have one team from the plains, one team from texas, one team from the southeast and one team from the mid atlantic, while also trying to balance the schools competitively and culturally.
HailToPitt1985 posted on 1/4/2013...

How do you guys justify making this stuff up? None of it has any substance or validity. It's just your little fabrications and fantasies and none of it is based in reality. The ACC will be around and will not lose any members that you claim they will lose. You'll never learn, will you.


This is a perfect example of magical thinking ^^^^^. Say it loud enough, or often enough, and it will change the course of events. But, there is absolutely no magic wand that can make up for the $7 million per year differential in Tiers 1&2 media rights payments per program, give ACC programs back their Tier 3 rights, compensate for the fact that their best bowl game is an also ran operation with their champion playing a less than stellar opponent, or make up for the overall weakness of the conference itself in football.

Maryland bailed out first. We could take bets on who's next out the door... mine would be on UVA, followed by Miami and Clemson. Then the remnants will be fighting with each other for slots in any power 4 league that will talk to them.

Sit back, Pitt troll,... watch, and learn. You're in Big East 2 about to become Big East 1 1/2.
Well, my brother in law really is a VT grad. We really had that conversation. And the ACC really is losing Maryland and more are on the way.

Go stick your head in the sand if you like. Makes no difference to me. Bring out your fiddle and play while it burns. I don't care.

Further change is coming. Saying it won't to help yourself feel better is all you have left.