I’d like to explain why the Fascist Democrat Party is the party of big business—a party that combines corporatism and government into a unified entity


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001
I’d like to explain why the Fascist Democrat Party is the party of big business—a party that combines corporatism and government into a unified entity, a practice that is the very essence of fascism.

Democrats love to say they are passing legislation that helps “working families,” when nothing could be further than the truth. Charlatans like Big Chief Lizzie Warren are experts at promoting policies and laws that seem on the surface to offer economic support to average people, when in fact they are policies that reduce competitiveness, create monopolies, drive prices up for working families and benefit only those businesses that contribute millions to the campaign coffers of the likes of the evil Senator Warren.

What Democrats do is deliberately create policies that are barriers to entry for small businesses. Anyone who has ever tried to start a small business knows the horrific wicket of regulatory hurdles that must be met to start and run that business—HR laws, OSHA laws, environmental laws, building and land permitting, banking laws, securities laws, corporate governance laws, diversity laws, etc., etc. For a sole proprietor or a small LLC, navigating these hurdles is incredibly expensive and often impossible. So who benefits? I’ll tell you who benefits—large, well established corporations that have the robust resources (dollars, white shoe law firms, national-level accountants, well-connected lobbyists, etc.) necessary to comply with and navigate this Bataan Death March of regulatory insanity. That’s who benefits. And guess what? Those corporations all contribute $$$MILLIONS$$$ to the campaign coffers of those same Democrat politicians, and pay them massive fees as consultants when they step away from politics. The regulatory hurdles are a rigged game designed to stifle competition, enrich fat-cat Democrat donor corporations, and smack down any “little guy” who actually dares to try and compete by starting a small business.

What’s worse, these laws are often written by THE VERY PEOPLE WHO BENEFIT FROM THEM. Obamacare? Written by the health insurance companies. Dodd-Frank? Written by the “too big to fail” banks. Federal hiring regulations that promote DEI? Written by the DEI-Industrial Complex. This is corporatism and fascism at its very worst. The wheels on the bus go round and round, as the profits from these anti-competitive laws that strangle our economy go straight back into the deep pockets of Fascist Democrat politicians.

So the next time you hear some Fascist Democrat droning on about legislation that will help “working families,” push through that thin veneer of lies and see who really benefits, and I assure you it will always be large, wealthy corporations who donate to Democrat campaign coffers.

It’s all a scam.

All of it.