Humorous Tiger Woods perspective


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2001
Long-time Pittsburgh Post Gazette golf writer, Gerry Dulac, asks the following question regarding the referenced Woods comment (which I'd not read previously):

Tiger Woods said he merely popped his bone and joint back into place after hitting a root in the pine straw and injuring his wrist at the ninth hole last Sunday. Wow, if he can do that, why didn't he re-activate his glutes when he said they shut down and he withdrew in San Diego?
Originally posted by RichardPeterJohnson:

He's such a drama queen. If he'd get back on steroids, he wouldn't be having these problems.
While Woods has obviously been off the circuit for a pretty long time......and I didn't really see him (or, apparently, pay much attention to him) when he was spraying chips all over the place earlier this year......I was quite surprised, during the Masters, to note how much weight he appears to have lost. I wouldn't be surprised if he's down a full 20 pounds. By recent historical comparison, his shirts were positively hanging off his still fairly-broad shoulders.

Since his entire philosophy previously was to be the biggest, most cut-up player on Tour......and he was.....I find myself wondering if his doctors strongly recommended he drop some weight to in some manner help improve his flexibility. Then again, perhaps there's some other reason why his weight is going down