Human evolutionary gaps keep filling in a little at a time....


Thousands of years ago, people with very primitive understandings of the world (I maintain that we still have a very primitive understanding of the world) wrote a book that says the Earth is only 6000 years old.

So, there's no way there's a jawbone 2.5M years old. That's 2,494,000 years before the Earth was even formed.

That same book also says that people lived for over 900 years "before the flood", so, there's that.
so that proves there is no higher being that created this world? **

Not sure what is giving you enjoyment from this

I am a Christian who thoroughly believes in evolution. I just don't believe the theory that we came from the sea. I believe God created man and man has evolved since that time. Does this story counter what I believe? Does it in someway dismiss the existence of God?
No, it sure doesn't

It certainly calls into question (for me, just for me, this is my judgment and my decision) the legitimacy of the story told about the creation of the world from this particular book.

Peoples' beliefs are their own business. If somebody wants to believe something and affiliate with some religion, it's not for me to say they are wrong. If somebody asks why I don't believe the same thing, I will explain why I don't believe the same thing. The problem is that those views then get taken as an attack on what they believe, which leads to defensiveness and attacks on what I believe. Being called delusional, etc. If that happens, I will point out what I consider to be delusional about what they believe.

It's not as simple as choosing a car color, but not altogether different either. If you like blue sedans and a blue sedan fits your lifestyle and the functions you need it for and makes you happy, then nobody should call you stupid or even question why you like blue sedans so much. For me, I prefer a white SUV. It's my choice, it fits my lifestyle and makes me happy.

Not everybody needs religion and the promise of a good afterlife, or the threat of a horrible one, to live their lives in a good and meaningful way that shows compassion and caring for their fellow man.
Don't be so sensitive...

I'm pretty clear who I'm targeting with this post. Sounds like you are not a believer in what Answers in Genesis touts. But there are many who do believe that the earth is 6000 years old. A case could be made that these people have taken over the GOP.
I apologize if I offended you

My comments were more directed at those on this board that attack those of us that are non-believers. The ones that say that it HAS to be the way the Bible described because we don't have any other explanation.

I'll probably never live long enough to see it all play out to where we have the answers.

I mentioned in another thread an article NatGeo published (maybe 10 years ago now) called "The Greatest Story Ever Told". The basic premise is that DNA shows that everybody that's on the Earth now descended from a single woman. That fascinates me because in a sense our science has shown there is an "Eve", if only in the mitochondrial sense. Of course it doesn't validate any of the rest of that story and Cain and Abel and all of that, but it is an interesting parallel between science and the Bible.

Message boards bring out the worst in people. Myself included. I don't believe for a second that everybody on this board would be so antagonistic, bombastic and unreasonable in person.
Re: No, it sure doesn't

Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:

It's not as simple as choosing a car color, but not altogether different either.
OK, I have never seen anything like that before. A person who fancies himself as a smart person just compared religious faith to picking the color of a car. ....ummm..OK
Re: No, it sure doesn't

Originally posted by Motown Mounty:

Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:

It's not as simple as choosing a car color, but not altogether different either.
OK, I have never seen anything like that before. A person who fancies himself as a smart person just compared religious faith to picking the color of a car. ....ummm..OK
I'm sure you are smart enough to get the point I was trying to make, but just picked out that line to be antagonistic. It's the way things go on this board.
Actually, no I don't get the point you were trying to make

my brain doesn't work that way. That was just crazy talk in my opinion.
Re: No, it sure doesn't

Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:

I'm sure you are smart enough to get the point I was trying to make, but just picked out that line to be antagonistic. It's the way things go on this board.
I understand what you are saying. Some posters on this board do need to be little more "tolerant" of various views and beliefs. Oh no, I used one of the magic words the cons hate, lol. I do get wrapped up in our differences occasionally.
Re: Actually, no I don't get the point you were trying to make

Originally posted by Motown Mounty:
my brain doesn't work that way. That was just crazy talk in my opinion.
I'll make it simple. Pick what works for you, but don't tell me I'm wrong in picking what works for me.
Re: No, it sure doesn't

Where in the Bible does it claim the earth is 6000 years old?
Motown, it's all or nothing with these "intolerant" hypocrites ......

they apparently don't have a clue that they make themselves look as stupid as those who believe word for word. They have zero idea what "religion" means to many and the many forms it takes.

This post was edited on 3/5 11:37 AM by bornaneer
Re: No, it sure doesn't

Did the teeth and bones come with birth dates on them? How come we never hear about all of the theoretical assumptions scientists have to make before claiming something is millions of years old?
Re: Don't be so sensitive...

Originally posted by RichardPeterJohnson:

I'm pretty clear who I'm targeting with this post. Sounds like you are not a believer in what Answers in Genesis touts. But there are many who do believe that the earth is 6000 years old. A case could be made that these people have taken over the GOP.
Well on the other side of the coin, there are also renowned liberals who believe in Scientology. Let's not go throwing stones in our glass house as I believe those folks are as batshit crazy and stupid as the mouth breathers thinking the earth is only 6000 years old.
I think we can both agree that if we lived among "snake handlers"...

that we might be a little suspicious of ones view of religion. Apparently "snake handling" churches are fairly common in Tennessee.
FWIW, I was sincere in the apology

I wasn't being snarky.

To the best of my knowledge you haven't called any of us stupid or delusional for not believing. When I say something that seems snarky it is directed at those that engage in those kinds of personal attacks.
Re: Not sure what is giving you enjoyment from this

He loves to generalize. Anyone who says they are Christian MUST believe what a few have said they believe.

It's like me saying doctors are loons because they don't believe in immunizing kids because I found one doctor that believes it.
Re: Not sure what is giving you enjoyment from this

Originally posted by Doctor Doom:
He loves to generalize. Anyone who says they are Christian MUST believe what a few have said they believe.
That's not true. And my comment wasn't directed at everybody that says they are Christian, only those that try to take the bible word for word.

That statement seems true for nearly everybody on this board, but I think that's predominantly because the responses are relatively brief in general, but in particular because so many of them are so antagonistic and people get defensive and respond in an equally antagonistic way.
Re: No, it sure doesn't

Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:

Not everybody needs religion and the promise of a good afterlife, or the threat of a horrible one, to live their lives in a good and meaningful way that shows compassion and caring for their fellow man.
Wow, that's not why I'm a Christian, at all.
Re: No, it sure doesn't

Originally posted by TarHeelEer:

Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:

Not everybody needs religion and the promise of a good afterlife, or the threat of a horrible one, to live their lives in a good and meaningful way that shows compassion and caring for their fellow man.
Wow, that's not why I'm a Christian, at all.
I wasn't saying that that's why people choose their religion, or that religious people need that motivation.

It was more a counter to an attitude that if you're atheist you must be some kind of evil hearted person, or more prone ot evil in the first place. Nobody in this thread was making that statement, so I understand how you inferred what you did from what I wrote.