...in an interview with CBS
That attitude is what makes Huggins unique.
That attitude is what makes Huggins unique.
Why don't ALL WVU fans buy into it and be as enthusiastic and supportive?...in an interview with CBS
That attitude is what makes Huggins unique.
Why don't ALL WVU fans buy into it and be as enthusiastic and supportive?
I question the application of the term "FAN" to many of these. They may follow the teams but they also lurk in the darkness for any chance to pounce and attack the very team of which they claim to be a fan. No real commitment. No real passion. Not a fan, really.It is odd. So many fans complain about Huggins and worship anyone that makes it clear they believe WVU has limited potential.
Besides wins (which 80 % came at Cincinnati ) what has Huggins accomplished at WVU more than Dana?i agree with huggs 100%. seems the we're number 23 mentality has become the norm...at least on the football side. style points don't mean crap...winning does!
Besides wins (which 80 % came at Cincinnati ) what has Huggins accomplished at WVU more than Dana?
Huggins won a Big East Championship Dana won a Big East Championship
Huggins went to a Final Four
Dana won a BCS bowl.
I love Huggins but honestly this line of thinking is asinine.
i agree with huggs 100%. seems the we're number 23 mentality has become the norm...at least on the football side. style points don't mean crap...winning does!
Again, what separates Huggins is high expectations and his belief that his program can be great.
And since y'all turned this into a Dana v Huggins thing, I'll address it. There couldn't be more difference in the two programs. Could a football coach like Huggins lose 6 straight to Oklahoma?
...in an interview with CBS
That attitude is what makes Huggins unique.
Huggs: "yeh this is West Virginia but why can't we be the best?"
I agree that WV residents tend to have an inferiority complex and I can't fully comprehend the reasons why.
Reading that comment shows even Huggs embraces it. "Yea this is WV..." ? What's he really saying there? ....and then 'but' (which means 'even so').....
I question the application of the term "FAN" to many of these. They may follow the teams but they also lurk in the darkness for any chance to pounce and attack the very team of which they claim to be a fan. No real commitment. No real passion. Not a fan, really.
I've said it many times. If Huggins wants it, he could be Governor of WV.
There's a WVPAPER in every fan base. Totally insecure, can't face the world if his team isn't #1.
Lots of folks don't have any personal accomplishments and cling to things like college sports to validate themselves.
Let's look at the record:
2007-8 26-11
2008-9 26-11
2009-10 31-7
2010-11 21-12
2011-12 19-14 Dana 10-3
2012-13 13-19 Dana 7-6
2013-4 17-16 Dana 4-8
2014-5 25-10 Dana 7-6
2015-6 26-9 Dana 8-5
2016-7 15-2 Dana 10-3
219-111 330 Dana 46-31
66.4% Dana 59.7%
Ask yourself honestly: If there were no names attached, which would you consider a better coach?
I am THRILLED with Dana's 10-3 and 2nd place finish in the Big 12 (same record as Oklahoma State). But I think any unbiased observed would say that Huggins has done a much better job. Again, Dana did a much better job during the 2016 season.