How Trump could be prosecuted after the White House

"The strongest count would be his attempt to fire Mueller"


Funny, Hillbag breaks the law, but supposedly didn't mean to, so we're not going to prosecute.
Orange man bad has the motive, but it never happens, and we're going to prosecute.

Is there now an attempted obstruction of justice crime I'm not aware of? Or maybe, thought about obstruction of justice? Asking for a friend.

I'm surrounded by idiots.
Unindicted co-conspirator.

The closet historical event I can think of is the prosecution of Scooter Libby. The left is taking the same approach with less evidence, we all know how that worked out. Convicted then it was discovered that someone else gave up the name. In that instance they tried to say that Fox News and others ware Unindicted co-conspirators.

In fact, the whole Clinton Email and Trump Investigation fits nicely in this narrative. It will be interesting who goes to jail in the future.
The closet historical event I can think of is the prosecution of Scooter Libby. The left is taking the same approach with less evidence, we all know how that worked out. Convicted then it was discovered that someone else gave up the name. In that instance they tried to say that Fox News and others ware Unindicted co-conspirators.

In fact, the whole Clinton Email and Trump Investigation fits nicely in this narrative. It will be interesting who goes to jail in the future.
Trump was named an unindicted co-conspirator in Cohen's case which has nothing to do with left or right though the left may be most pleased about it.
Trump was named an unindicted co-conspirator in Cohen's case which has nothing to do with left or right though the left may be most pleased about it.

I am channelling my inner Perry Mason...Speculation!
Trump was named an unindicted co-conspirator in Cohen's case which has nothing to do with left or right though the left may be most pleased about it.

Cohen's case was a plea deal, not a prosecution. The evidence was not tried in a court of law. This unindicted coconspirator, if it is Trump (he wasn't named, liar), if proven guilty, is guilty of less than Obama's campaign violations, which resulted in a fine.
Cohen's case was a plea deal, not a prosecution. The evidence was not tried in a court of law. This unindicted coconspirator, if it is Trump (he wasn't named, liar), if proven guilty, is guilty of less than Obama's campaign violations, which resulted in a fine.
You're a liar saying that Trump is not "Individual 1" in the Cohen case and you're wrong about Trump's potential legal jeopardy in the Cohen case. Tell me about the cover up effort by BO regarding his campaign violation(s). Does it compare to Trump's effort to cover his turd up?
You're a liar saying that Trump is not "Individual 1" in the Cohen case and you're wrong about Trump's potential legal jeopardy in the Cohen case. Tell me about the cover up effort by BO regarding his campaign violation(s). Does it compare to Trump's effort to cover his turd up?

It hasn't been proven it IS a campaign violation yet. If he made any such payments in the past, it's normal practice for him. So, if he paid Cohen or any other lawyer in a similar fashion at any other time, well...
It hasn't been proven it IS a campaign violation yet. If he made any such payments in the past, it's normal practice for him. So, if he paid Cohen or any other lawyer in a similar fashion at any other time, well...
Fine, enjoy your fantasy. Trump will be putting lawyer's kids through school for years to come in his effort to remain a free man. :popcorn:
It hasn't been proven it IS a campaign violation yet. If he made any such payments in the past, it's normal practice for him. So, if he paid Cohen or any other lawyer in a similar fashion at any other time, well...
Well what? Even if he did regularly do it to keep his whores quiet, he specifically did this to affect the election, according to SDNY and Cohen. Doesn't mean he's guilty, but he will 100% be indicted.**

** Unless Pres Lib pardons him.
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Your according to doesn't hold much weight with me. That'll be fun in 6 more years.
lol. It's like talking to a 3 year old. Who cares anyway? The government is not real. This is all a simulation. We do not respect the courts, nor the Congress's jurisdiction. There is but One and He goes by Trump.

Book of Bigly, 25:17
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To spend less time in prison because of the bad personal choices that he made. What do you think?
Because the Fed had a very good case against him and "Individual 1" and he'd spend less time in jail this way but some on here think for some reason that the SDNY has nothing on "Individual 1". I guess we'll see about that after POTUS returns to the private sector in 2021.
Well what? Even if he did regularly do it to keep his whores quiet, he specifically did this to affect the election, according to SDNY and Cohen. Doesn't mean he's guilty, but he will 100% be indicted.**

** Unless Pres Lib pardons him.
So, anytime there is a campaign finance violation, we move to impeach? Because any campaign finance violation is done with intent to affect an election.
Trump was named an unindicted co-conspirator in Cohen's case which has nothing to do with left or right though the left may be most pleased about it.
Not Trump Moe. You're smarter than this ! Do better !!
So, anytime there is a campaign finance violation, we move to impeach? Because any campaign finance violation is done with intent to affect an election.
Yes. Everything is black and white. That was exactly what my post(s) say (have said). Huzzah. You have cracked the case.

Defend your God as you must. I'm not even saying He'd be found guilty. The Cohen pleading and filing of court documents is set up/worded/filed with the intent to bring charges against Individual-1 (Him). There are varying degrees of violations, as with any crime. Not all crimes of the same degree get the same treatment anyway. Some are to send messages. A Presidential candidate committing campaign finance/election laws apparently falls into that camp.
lol. It's like talking to a 3 year old. Who cares anyway? The government is not real. This is all a simulation. We do not respect the courts, nor the Congress's jurisdiction. There is but One and He goes by Trump.

Book of Bigly, 25:17

Prosecutors never indulge in court cases, let alone plea agreements, right? Especially SDNY nor the state of NY in general, right? Since they said they're going after Trump, and not a particular crime?
Cohen's case was a plea deal, not a prosecution. The evidence was not tried in a court of law. This unindicted coconspirator, if it is Trump (he wasn't named, liar), if proven guilty, is guilty of less than Obama's campaign violations, which resulted in a fine.

Wut? Plead deal not prosecution? Insert not sure if serious look.
Evidence not tried? It didn't have to be tried - he pleaded guilty. The evidence was pretty damn good. Recorded phone calls, bank records...
If it is trump? LMAO!
But Obama!
Did Cohen get away with just a fine? Keep hoping. LOL!

It hasn't been proven it IS a campaign violation yet. If he made any such payments in the past, it's normal practice for him. So, if he paid Cohen or any other lawyer in a similar fashion at any other time, well...

LOL! You're precious. It was "proven" because it was pleaded. You really are a Baghdad Bob.
Prosecutors never indulge in court cases, let alone plea agreements, right? Especially SDNY nor the state of NY in general, right? Since they said they're going after Trump, and not a particular crime?
SDNY has NOTHING to do with the state of NY. You do understand that, no? I've said as much about the state of NY. Do prosecutors "indulge"? I guess? Are you suggesting DEEPSTATE Trump DOJ is after Him? Cause that would by hysterical.
Because the Fed had a very good case against him and "Individual 1" and he'd spend less time in jail this way but some on here think for some reason that the SDNY has nothing on "Individual 1". I guess we'll see about that after POTUS returns to the private sector in 2021.

Perry Mason again...Speculation! Come on, if there was smoke, it would have already leaked. But if proven, he should pay a fine like everyone else. Unless we go the D. Souza route and send them to prison for a crime that 99.9 of those convicted get a fine and move on.
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Yes. Everything is black and white. That was exactly what my post(s) say (have said). Huzzah. You have cracked the case.

Defend your God as you must. I'm not even saying He'd be found guilty. The Cohen pleading and filing of court documents is set up/worded/filed with the intent to bring charges against Individual-1 (Him). There are varying degrees of violations, as with any crime. Not all crimes of the same degree get the same treatment anyway. Some are to send messages. A Presidential candidate committing campaign finance/election laws apparently falls into that camp.
Lol ... if it was Trump concrete evidence would would have been leaked already. You're speculating because Orange man bad. You're also smarter than this. Just wishful thinking !
Lol ... if it was Trump concrete evidence would would have been leaked already. You're speculating because Orange man bad. You're also smarter than this. Just wishful thinking !
Leaked? It's in the filing documents. The Orange man is bad.
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His name ... no ... speculation ! Wet dream !
You don't think Trump is Individual-1? lol. The level of stupid you Trumpers are willing to go. Then expect to be taken seriously when ranting about something super serial. :joy::joy::joy:
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lmfao, they know Donnie is crooked as all get out, but what are they gonna do? He is the standard bearer for a dying demographic so they gotta prop him up, not sure what the GOP strategy is down the road post Trump, pack the courts with enough old white dudes to keep the majority of Americans in check? That is a game plan!
Perry Mason again...Speculation! Come on, if there was smoke, it would have already leaked.
I really don't know what you're talking about. It's not speculation that Cohen is in prison and Individual 1 (Trump) is his unindicted co-conspirator. This is not speculation, it's reality.

You don't think Trump is Individual-1? lol. The level of stupid you Trumpers are willing to go. Then expect to be taken seriously when ranting about something super serial. :joy::joy::joy:
You thinking it is him shows your desperation ... so good luck with that ! Nadler and Auntie Maxine would had those docs yesterday if it was. Enjoy the results of the upcoming Horowitz report.
Campaign finance violations .... fines at best !