how true...

Sadly, you don't understand history all that well. The Nazis hated capitalism? Yeah....well.....kind of. They believed it was controlled by the Jews and wanted no part of that.....not like they sided with communists about capitalism, but it's a cool story to try to lump them's the rest of the story.
Liberals are Nazis? Wonder why they endorsed Trump then? **** these dumbasses on here, who the **** posts that many times on their own topic anyway? Who cares, the reckoning is coming, they ain't growing their Demographics that is for sure.
Liberals are Nazis? Wonder why they endorsed Trump then? **** these dumbasses on here, who the **** posts that many times on their own topic anyway? Who cares, the reckoning is coming, they ain't growing their Demographics that is for sure.
Would you kind throwing a Kansas in there for the daily double?
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Amen! Reducing the cost of Capital...the life's blood of free enterprise. Open up the money spigot, and businesses will thrive as they invest, grow, and produce more wealth which expands economic opportunities for more risk takers (Investors) and entrepreneurs.

We could see 5 or 6% growth with the efficiencies we have now through automation, logistics, computerization, and technology in the workplace that can make 1 person so much more efficient! If you can't find a good paying job next year after this thing takes full effect, you either won't be trying or you're not worth hiring.
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The biggest impact will be on equity markets. Corporate portfolios get instant valuations because tax liabilties will no longer be a drag on earnings. Investors will rush in to take advantage of cheap equity shares, with reasonable expectations to pick up huge after tax gains. As cash flows into equity markets, prices will go up, valuations will increase, and returns will mean more liquid assets for investment managers to plow back into corporate expansions which means more

Go Trump!!!!!!
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Look for energy and transportation stocks to also make huge gains. As energy prices drop due to increased supplies and heavier demand from economic expansion, transportation offerings will become very attractive to investors. Trucking, rail, shipping, air freight, all anticipate dynamic expansions as energy prices put less demand on daily operations and increased economic activity drives future demand for services. As companies seek to fill increased orders, transportation providers will benefit from not only expansion, but increasing operating cash flow as expenses are lowered due to tax cuts and cheap energy like jet fuel, crude oil and diesel gasoline.
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President Trump promotes entrepreneurship...

I was posting about this in another thread because his minority outreach component of this is fabulous. There will be venture capital seeded and backed by Federal Loan Guarantees. Tax free enterprise zones will encourage concentration of new startups, and Venture Capital will get even more favorable tax treatment if it's tied to job training.

Even more exciting, the enterprises will be treated as individual sole proprietorships to encourage more small investors because small businesses will drive most of the immediate hiring. This means people will be encouraged to bring their ideas to investors who will be eager to fund and capitalize them in exchange for quick returns on the investments and tax free gains on their initial outlays!

It's like Uncle Sam is backing money managers to come in and make can't miss loans that will repay them tax free!
Meanwhile venture businesses will explode as more people realize that the hardest part to getting started (finding funding) has just been eliminated! The money is already been in wasteful urban programs that don't work, so this will simply reorient those dollars to maximum effect closest to the people (Devolution).

So many Black people who have great ideas are being encouraged to jump in...this is what I was trying to tell those miserable Leftist Trump haters the media is ignoring...but once this thing gets going it's going to be powerful and transformational for depressed inner cities.

I'm jazzed.
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