How many of you guys were Boy Scouts? And what was your rank?


Dec 7, 2010
Santa Cruz, CA
I made it to Life. Always regretted not making it to Eagle. High school basketball, golf and girls were my hurdle that I couldn't overcome. With Trumplethinskin's asinine and tasteless speech to the Boy Scouts, I wasn't surprised to learn that he was never a Boy Scout. You know who was? Barack Obama. And Bill Clinton. Jeff Sessions was an Eagle Scout. Michael Moore also was an Eagle. Trump's speech was pretty much everything that the Boy Scouts don't stand for. Vanity. Selfishness. Braggadociousness. Hate. Revenge. What an embarrassment he is. Here is a list of famous Boy Scouts. Some of these are sort of surprising.
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I made it to Life. Always regretted not making it to Eagle. High school basketball, golf and girls were my hurdle that I couldn't overcome. With Trumplethinskin's asinine and tasteless speech to the Boy Scouts, I wasn't surprised to learn that he was never a Boy Scout. You know who was? Barack Obama. And Bill Clinton. Jeff Sessions was an Eagle Scout. Michael Moore also was an Eagle. Trump's speech was pretty much everything that the Boy Scouts don't stand for. Vanity. Selfishness. Braggadociousness. Hate. Revenge. What an embarrassment he is. Here is a list of famous Boy Scouts. Some of these are sort of surprising.
A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. Pretty much the opposite of Trumplethinskin.
owebama automatically fails @ DUTY TO GOD AND COUNTRY


doubt there were Boy Scouts in Kenya...
I made it to Life. Always regretted not making it to Eagle. High school basketball, golf and girls were my hurdle that I couldn't overcome. With Trumplethinskin's asinine and tasteless speech to the Boy Scouts, I wasn't surprised to learn that he was never a Boy Scout. You know who was? Barack Obama. And Bill Clinton. Jeff Sessions was an Eagle Scout. Michael Moore also was an Eagle. Trump's speech was pretty much everything that the Boy Scouts don't stand for. Vanity. Selfishness. Braggadociousness. Hate. Revenge. What an embarrassment he is. Here is a list of famous Boy Scouts. Some of these are sort of surprising.
I gave it up for girls. It's hard to justify spending weekend in the woods with bunch of zit-faced guys once you've spent the night with a girl in the back of her folks old Plymouth.

She was one of those older women, sixteen, while I was big for my age, fourteen year old. Gettin' some or gettin' poison oak, it wasn't a hard decision.
I made it to Life. Always regretted not making it to Eagle. High school basketball, golf and girls were my hurdle that I couldn't overcome. With Trumplethinskin's asinine and tasteless speech to the Boy Scouts, I wasn't surprised to learn that he was never a Boy Scout. You know who was? Barack Obama. And Bill Clinton. Jeff Sessions was an Eagle Scout. Michael Moore also was an Eagle. Trump's speech was pretty much everything that the Boy Scouts don't stand for. Vanity. Selfishness. Braggadociousness. Hate. Revenge. What an embarrassment he is. Here is a list of famous Boy Scouts. Some of these are sort of surprising.
Did Clinton get a merit badge for finding different uses for tobacco?
A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. Pretty much the opposite of Trumplethinskin.
You know that those traits are contradictory in a politician and movie director.
I was a Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Order of the Arrow, even a Sea Scout. My father was a Boy Scout. He was also a WWII combat veteran and a Republican politician who served in the Legislature. He has supported Trump as the elected leader of the United States. But he was pretty disappointed by the childishness and inappropriate nature of the comments by our country's President and leader to a bunch of young scouts.
A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. Pretty much the opposite of Trumplethinskin. hold him to these standards?
I was a Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Order of the Arrow, even a Sea Scout. My father was a Boy Scout. He was also a WWII combat veteran and a Republican politician who served in the Legislature. He has supported Trump as the elected leader of the United States. But he was pretty disappointed by the childishness and inappropriate nature of the comments by our country's President and leader to a bunch of young scouts.
There is something wrong with him.
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I was never a Scout, and never had any personal interest in BSA......though plenty of my friends joined. But my son......admitttedly more through his mother's urging than mine.....joined and eventually topped out at Life.

His interest in the BSA (for several different reasons) just crashed and burned by the time he was in line to earn Eagle, which everyone knows isn't unusual. Part of it was that he found a fair number of those in serious pursuit of Eagle (some of whom had Dad's as Troop Leaders) to be quite insufferable.

But that aside, he certainly enjoyed most of his time in BSA and experienced things he'd have never experienced as a son of mine. As a result, I'd characterize myself generally as a supporter of Scouts, at least in an apolitical environment....which obviously/regrettably is nonexistent in many places these days (regardless who's in the WH).
I gave it up for girls. It's hard to justify spending weekend in the woods with bunch of zit-faced guys once you've spent the night with a girl in the back of her folks old Plymouth.

She was one of those older women, sixteen, while I was big for my age, fourteen year old. Gettin' some or gettin' poison oak, it wasn't a hard decision.
My first car was a 46 Plymouth two door sedan. Two things I still remember about it were the chrome dash and that huge back seat.
My first car was a 46 Plymouth two door sedan. Two things I still remember about it were the chrome dash and that huge back seat.
I have to make a correction. The Plymouth was the first car that I actually paid for. The real first car was a 56 Cadillac that my brother gave me. It had transmission problems and would not go into reverse.
I have to make a correction. The Plymouth was the first car that I actually paid for. The real first car was a 56 Cadillac that my brother gave me. It had transmission problems and would not go into reverse.
Haha! I've definitely had cars where parking was a crucial part of the whole driving experience.
Eagle and Brotherhood order of the arrow, shit man, I was on the order of the arrow dance team and we met all kinds of women at the DC conclaves. I was lucky, had a great troop and scoutmaster, went on a weekend camp every month. Biked the C&O canal, canoed the length of the Potomac, etc, good times.
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I have to make a correction. The Plymouth was the first car that I actually paid for. The real first car was a 56 Cadillac that my brother gave me. It had transmission problems and would not go into reverse.

That wasn't unusual for those old Caddies, or reverse being the only direction they went in.

There was a guy a few years older than I was who lived out the road from me who was a notorious liar, but we all liked him because his stories were so hilarious. He bought a '58 Caddie from one of his buddies that all of those older guys had owned at one time or another.

I'm sitting on the front porch one night and he goes out our curvy road in reverse. I thought, "Ol' Jimmy must be lit up tonight." A couple of days later I was at the little store at the mouth of the road shooting the sh!t with the other n'er-do-well's when this guy named Ray who was a buddy of Jimmy comes walking up. He said, "Have you heard the latest from Jimmy? He says he drove that old Cadillac all the way home from Hurricane the other night. That's nearly 15 miles. The older he gets the fuller of it he gets!" I looked at Ray and said, "I don't about Hurricane, but he went by our place that night in reverse, and it's nearly three miles home for him from there." That shut ol' Ray up for the rest of the afternoon. He always was a horses ass.
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