How is city with such a meth, bath salts, and heroin problem...

Most, if not all, Marshall fans who post on here do not even live in Huntington, so why do you always go on with Huntington smack?

I don't care what is said about Huntington by any one who lives in WV. It's the pot calling the kettle black.
Most, if not all, Marshall fans who post on here do not even live in Huntington, so why do you always go on with Huntington smack?

I don't care what is said about Huntington by any one who lives in WV. It's the pot calling the kettle black.
Marshall's tiny fan base is concentrated almost 100% in Huntington. Haven't you seen the map?
A nurse was attacked by a Flakka addled patient at one of the Huntington hospitals a few weeks back. She wasn't hurt, thank God.

Flakka makes it to WV, yet another first for the metropolis by the mouth of the Mud.

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