How far back can you trace your Mountaineer Fan roots?

old buzzard

Gold Member
Dec 30, 2005
For me, my first time at Mountaineer Field was in 1963 when Roger Staubach tore us a new one. My dad made the 3/12 hour drive north in the pre-interstate highway days at least once a year ever afterwards. Got to see the Steelers and Bengals play on Old Mountaineer Field in '67. We moved a little closer to Morgantown in '72 and attended lots of games back when we played the likes of Richmond, VMI, William and Mary, and Pitt and Penn State kicked our asses regularly. Got to see Bobby Bowden work his magic, got to watch his sons in Mountaineer uniforms. Got to watch Kerry Marbury and Danny Buggs.....Then in 1980 we were there for the opening of the "new" Mountaineer Field and Don Nehlen transform our program to "big time" football. I've been a WVU fan since the 60's......
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Remember listening on the Radio in 63, 64 & 65. Dad was in retail so he had to take a week's vacation so we could go to a game. The first one came in the fall of 68. We went to one game every year after that until he retired and then we got season tickets for the Cignetti years. Man that was a downer. But then Nehlen came in 80 and all that changed. The last day I spent with my Dad was at the Fiesta Bowl after the 1988 season. We flew home that night and I did not get home again until he passed away unexpectedly in early Feb of 89.
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For me, my first time at Mountaineer Field was in 1963 when Roger Staubach tore us a new one. My dad made the 3/12 hour drive north in the pre-interstate highway at least once a year ever afterwards. Got to see the Steelers and Bengals play on Old Mountaineer Field in '67. We moved a little closer to Morgantown in '72 and attended lots of games back when we played the likes of Richmond, VMI, William and Mary, and Pitt and Penn State kicked our asses regularly. Got to see Bobby Bowden work his magic, got to watch his sons in Mountaineer uniforms. Got to watch Kerry Marbury and Danny Buggs.....Then in 1980 we were there for the opening of the "new" Mountaineer Field and Don Nehlen transform our program to "big time" football. I've been a WVU fan since the 60's......
I have a recording of me sing ing the fight song in 1946 at 2 years of age(an old 78 record recorded at home lol) Cant remember the firstgame had to be a Southern Conf contest. Remember Freddy Wyatt QB Jack Rabits sp? running back greatest name in football history. Sam Huff even Harry Theophilidies from Waynesburg Pa QB played for redskins briefly.
Basketball memories - Duke and the floor showered with pennies as they ran into the old field house. Jerry West , Hot Rod , the 1960 us olympic team exhibition game in Morgantown and too many other memories.
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dad and I used to go to Charleston in the late 40's and watch WVU and W&L go at it. Still remember Gene Simmons drop kicking his extra points and FG's.
I have a recording of me sing ing the fight song in 1946 at 2 years of age(an old 78 record recorded at home lol) Cant remember the firstgame had to be a Southern Conf contest. Remember Freddy Wyatt QB Jack Rabits sp? running back greatest name in football history. Sam Huff even Harry Theophilidies from Waynesburg Pa QB played for redskins briefly.
Basketball memories - Duke and the floor showered with pennies as they ran into the old field house. Jerry West , Hot Rod , the 1960 us olympic team exhibition game in Morgantown and too many other memories.

I wish I could say that I saw Jerry West playing in a Mountaineer uniform. A little before my time. I do remember watching him on TV playing for the Lakers and how proud my dad was of him.
In '66 I got to watch 6 or 7 Mountaineers try to tackle Larry Czonka. It looked like a college man playing against Jr High football players. I think he had 192 yards that game.
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dad and I used to go to Charleston in the late 40's and watch WVU and W&L go at it. Still remember Gene Simmons drop kicking his extra points and FG's.

Drop kick is a lost art that I had forgotten all about. My dad was pretty good at it and tried to teach me how to do it but I never had the knack for it. Matter of fact I wasn't even a very good kicker with a holder.......
Another highlight of our summer was driving over to Jacksons Mill where the Mountaineers used to hold their summer workouts on the lawn in front of the dining hall.
Listened to Hot Rod Hundley's basketball antics, and Jack's football calls in the 50s. Then on to WVU. Then to WAJR and working with Jack. Then around the country and following the Mountaineers in every way possible win or lose. Even worked selling pop at old Mountaineer field before college just to share the atmosphere. Thought I would play there but talent raised its head and that didn't happen. My wife's story is similar. Living in Gator and Seminole territory can be tough during football season but wear Mountaineer pride well, proudly. Seen a lot of great games and a lot of stinkers too but that doesn't affect the spirit.
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In old Mountaineer Field, against pitt in '54 or '55. we lost. I was hooked.
Remember guys running around in bathrobes, derby hats and canes.
Later (much, much later) became one of those crazy dudes.
Great historic Mountaineer stories. Mine is a little bit different. Growing up in Huntington and during my junior high years I spent many Saturdays at Fairfield Stadium watching Marshall with my uncle who was a season ticket holder. When I reached high school, my father's employer decided to host a couple of significant clients in the company RV for a WVU game. On Friday, we stocked the vessel with beer and snacks and headed for overnight parking in the Blue Lot for my first game in Morgantown.

Which game? It was the 1988 game between Penn State and WVU.

Tailgating all day, watching the students already sitting in their stadium seats early in the morning, the classic "Penn State sucks but Pitt swallows" t-shirts. I can still remember how I stood in awe of the crowd noise and energy of the stadium. I was most impressed by "Let Go" from the opposing stands, which beckoned "Mountaineers" from our side.

By absolute luck, my first game was arguably one of the top 10 games every played at Mountaineer Field. I've been a diehard fan, and now alumnus, ever since.
I just gotta close with this........when we couldn't get to the game we always listened to it on the radio, with the immortal Jack Fleming behind the mic. -
Jack used to kill me with some of his calls. It would sound like someone had ripped off a huge gain by the way described it, then he'd come back with "Second and eight." He used to crack me up.

I don't recall it, as I was a baby, but apparently Mom, Dad and I lived in the trailer that Sam Huff spent his honeymoon in a couple of years after the fact. I think Dick Treadway loaned it to Huff when Sam and the missus tied the knot?
My first game was Football, 1984 vs. Temple at the Vet (I'm from Philly, my dad also graduated from WVU),
WVU blew it at the end and Temple had a rare decent team with Paul Palmer at RB and we only completed like 2 passes (I think John Talley started at QB and then Kevin White).

WVU's next game, we beat TCU in Bluebonnet Bowl and Kevin White had great game.

My first bball game was vs. Temple at Temple's McGonigal Hall - 1987 and we upset #5 Temple 64-61. I was still in HS. I remember my dad saying as WVU pulled it out, you better zip up your coat and cover up that wvu shirt on our walk out of that gym- it was not the best neighborhood. Herbie Brooks had a great game off the bench.

My first game at Mountaineer Field was 1987 - Major's first game. We beat Ohio U 23-3 in the rain.

For me, my first time at Mountaineer Field was in 1963 when Roger Staubach tore us a new one. My dad made the 3/12 hour drive north in the pre-interstate highway at least once a year ever afterwards. Got to see the Steelers and Bengals play on Old Mountaineer Field in '67. We moved a little closer to Morgantown in '72 and attended lots of games back when we played the likes of Richmond, VMI, William and Mary, and Pitt and Penn State kicked our asses regularly. Got to see Bobby Bowden work his magic, got to watch his sons in Mountaineer uniforms. Got to watch Kerry Marbury and Danny Buggs.....Then in 1980 we were there for the opening of the "new" Mountaineer Field and Don Nehlen transform our program to "big time" football. I've been a WVU fan since the 60's......
All of you are really old. How are you still alive?

Just poking you back. Getting old isn't for wimps!

I agree with that, sir. You've got to be tough as nails to get old, it's not for the faint of heart.

You can probably tell by some of these responses why there is sometimes a noticeable division between some of the opinions on this board; some have seen more than others, yet some think they've seen it all.

Had an uncle who used to go to all the games, went with him a couple of times in the mid-1960's, he was a good friend with Jack Rabbits; drinkin' buddies.

My Dad and I used to listen to games on Saturdays on the radio. We would do chores in the morning and then listen to games on the radio. The best days were actually the rainy days when he would pull the car out of the garage and we'd set up the lawn chairs, watch the rain and listen to the game. I guess it was a better day because the rain cancelled most of the chores for the day.

From my student days, mid-1970's and on I've proudly worn the Old Gold and Blue.