Holgrosens risky play calling


Oct 10, 2011
Morgantown, West Virginia
We all have said "coach should have gone for it" at one time or another. Coaches that gamble and take risks are usually rewarded with praise when it succeeds. When the gamble fails the venomous commentary and "off with his head" rumblings can be heard by the same ones that praise the risky call that works.

Holgrosen is a risk taking coach and I see it as a positive. Often times the gamble fails but when it succeeds it can be a game changing and a exciting moment. The rewards are big and sometimes result in a historic play remembered for years.

So i ask myself do i want to see less "go for it" plays (conservative style) or keep the high risk, huge reward play calling? IMO and too answer my own question, yes keep on keeping on with the Holgrosen risky style.
We all have said "coach should have gone for it" at one time or another. Coaches that gamble and take risks are usually rewarded with praise when it succeeds. When the gamble fails the venomous commentary and "off with his head" rumblings can be heard by the same ones that praise the risky call that works.

Holgrosen is a risk taking coach and I see it as a positive. Often times the gamble fails but when it succeeds it can be a game changing and a exciting moment. The rewards are big and sometimes result in a historic play remembered for years.

So i ask myself do i want to see less "go for it" plays (conservative style) or keep the high risk, huge reward play calling? IMO and too answer my own question, yes keep on keeping on with the Holgrosen risky style.

Coach has gotten MUCH more conservative during his tenure here. Sometimes good results, sometimes bad.
'Risky' really needs to be defined.

There's at least 20 situations on 4th down alone that one person might consider risky while another may consider it statistically smart. I mean...down and distance can be equal but the score, time left, and field position all need to be factored in.
We all have said "coach should have gone for it" at one time or another. Coaches that gamble and take risks are usually rewarded with praise when it succeeds. When the gamble fails the venomous commentary and "off with his head" rumblings can be heard by the same ones that praise the risky call that works.

Holgrosen is a risk taking coach and I see it as a positive. Often times the gamble fails but when it succeeds it can be a game changing and a exciting moment. The rewards are big and sometimes result in a historic play remembered for years.

So i ask myself do i want to see less "go for it" plays (conservative style) or keep the high risk, huge reward play calling? IMO and too answer my own question, yes keep on keeping on with the Holgrosen risky style.

Risky play calls are often a vote of confidence by a coach for his offense or his defense. I think most times kids like this. It can also be a sign of a coach being not very confident in either his offense or defense, when players read it this way the result can be awful. Of course, this is obvious. I believe this year the offense has the ability to make a coach seem really smart when it comes to risk taking. More wins at the line of scrimmage and downfield.
I'm from the "punt and play defense" school. A lot of bad things can happen on 4th and short and only one good thing.

I'm waiting for the return of the flying wedge as a 4th down option. Nothing like a "Get out of the way or get run over." offense.
It's not just play calling, the QB can and does change the plays as he sees fit. It's the overall game strategy that Coach Hogorsen is lacking in, specifically with halftime changes when what the team has been doing is working. Hopefully Coach Wickline can openly ask him, "What the hell are you thinking?"
It's not just play calling, the QB can and does change the plays as he sees fit. It's the overall game strategy that Coach Hogorsen is lacking in, specifically with halftime changes when what the team has been doing is working. Hopefully Coach Wickline can openly ask him, "What the hell are you thinking?"

Im hoping OC Wickline gets the offensive play calling back on track. Holgrosen needs to focus on HC and let the coordinators do their job. IMO we should see a vastly improved offense.
I think The Sky is gonna be great this year. He could wind up as the Comeback Player of the Year in the Big.