Hey Hillbillies, Here's A Very Different 9/11 Memorial Project This Guido Just Launched


Mar 21, 2011
Hey Eers,
I've let you and the L-Ville Cards know about this 9/11 memorial project I just started, as you're my two favorite former conference-mates--I know your patriotism runs deep. Here's the beginning of the video:

"Imagine strings made from metal from the Twin Towers.
Now imagine these strings on a guitar, a violin, and cello.
Now imagine these instruments played by survivors of 9/11."

It is a very involved project, and if you follow twitter check out Joe Nichols' tweet from Sunday (CLICK HERE), which is about the project. I'll stop by and update you from time to time, but for now here's the intro video of me explaining the project. Kick ass this year in the Big 12--I'm rooting for you every year. For some whacked out reason, the fact that you beat us 17 times in a row hasn't diminished me rooting for you, and I attribute that solely to Hillbilly-Guido Week!

Good luck with the project Don, and good luck to Rutgers in the BIG. I suppose that every state lost someone in the Twin Towers on 9 11 - this link tells the tale of a couple of ours -
Thanks, Buzz. I read the link and there are so many stories I've heard of close calls, but the stories never stop striking a chord, especially when they hit so close to home. 9/11 still has our nation's attention and occasional reflection, and I imagine always will. Maybe one day Professor Witt or former President Hardesty will play one of the instruments should the instruments make a tour of some sort, possibly of museums.