Hey GOT Book nerds...


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Dec 10, 2002
Try, with minimal spoilers, to explain why that dude from the Wire is trying to marry Sansa off to the Boltons using her real name? They've changed her name and look because she is the most wanted broad in the world, and now they're gonna have it all out in the open with the f'n Boltons, who rely on the Lannisters? I thought that Wire dude was supposed to be smart.
I think he's placing her there so when the time comes she can gain control of the Stark lands.
I think he's placing her there so when the time comes she can gain control of the Stark lands.
What makes him think she'll still be alive then? Wouldn't everything lead you to believe that Roose Bolton is going to turn her over to Queen Wine Drinker?
What makes him think she'll still be alive then? Wouldn't everything lead you to believe that Roose Bolton is going to turn her over to Queen Wine Drinker?
His deal was with the now dead Lannister...keeping her helps him keep power in the north IMO.
A Lannister is still king. There's no way Bolton doesn't/wouldn't offer her up.

Possibly...but I think she being married to his son also strengthens his position with the folks in the north that serve him. Either way it was an interesting move...two things - 1) will Greyjoy do something to help her? and 2) the maid said something about the "north remembers"...I wonder if that means people will rise up against Bolton in Winterfell?
Try, with minimal spoilers, to explain why that dude from the Wire is trying to marry Sansa off to the Boltons using her real name? They've changed her name and look because she is the most wanted broad in the world, and now they're gonna have it all out in the open with the f'n Boltons, who rely on the Lannisters? I thought that Wire dude was supposed to be smart.

They all die.
They all die.
That's cool. Now do one that says minimal spoilery so that I can find out if you answer my question. It seems like a major plot hole in a show about dragons, spells, giants and virgins.
That's cool. Now do one that says minimal spoilery so that I can find out if you answer my question. It seems like a major plot hole in a show about dragons, spells, giants and virgins.

From what I understand, Sansa marrying Ramsey is not in the book so book readers will be at a loss to explain what happens next.
Possibly...but I think she being married to his son also strengthens his position with the folks in the north that serve him. Either way it was an interesting move...two things - 1) will Greyjoy do something to help her? and 2) the maid said something about the "north remembers"...I wonder if that means people will rise up against Bolton in Winterfell?
I could tell you what greyjoy does but it would be a spoiler.

Since it isnt a spoiler because its not in the book Ramsey Bolton would be dumbasfuk to marry Sansa. Want to die? Marry a Stark.