Hey, Denzil Spinney...


Oct 19, 2015
You're a shameless coward for reappearing on this board after having hidden from me ever since the Old Fold & Blew started to circle the toilet a few weeks ago. You must have had internet connection problems, just as WVU was losing five out of six games, right? You've set a new (low) standard for being a coward. SlowHead looks like Tyson Fury next to you!

You're a shameless coward for reappearing on this board after having hidden from me ever since the Old Fold & Blew started to circle the toilet a few weeks ago. You must have had internet connection problems, just as WVU was losing five out of six games, right? You've set a new (low) standard for being a coward. SlowHead looks like Tyson Fury next to you!

Say and think what you will blabs. I stopped getting on you case because I was asked to. Not from moderators but from another poster on this board. Must have felt sorry for you considering the ass whippings you take. If you are as some say, a lawyer, I hope you do better defending your clients than you do in defending yourself on here. You should see an M.D. to see if you have contracted rectumitis. Farewell Sweet Prince.

More excuses from the coward, who had first disappeared during the 5-7 train wreck of a football season, undoubtedly also due to "another poster" telling you to do so. So now, after tHuggy Bear's team has finally come out of its funk, FinTard ignores "another poster," and decides to stalk me again. What an incredible coincidence! You have firmly established yourself as the biggest coward on this board, and nobody else is close. Perhaps, SlowHead will attempt to regain his board coward "title," but much work needs to be done.
More excuses from the coward, who had first disappeared during the 5-7 train wreck of a football season, undoubtedly also due to "another poster" telling you to do so. So now, after tHuggy Bear's team has finally come out of its funk, FinTard ignores "another poster," and decides to stalk me again. What an incredible coincidence! You have firmly established yourself as the biggest coward on this board, and nobody else is close. Perhaps, SlowHead will attempt to regain his board coward "title," but much work needs to be done.
and my name is mentioned why?.......I guess I'm on the list of folks on this board who own the "smack board wizard"
You were mentioned because of your convenient internet connection problems, but at least you don't hide for weeks or even months at a time, only to crawl out from under a rock after a WVU win or Ohio State loss.
Still bitter that I've exposed you for being a total fraud, aren't you, WVpride304? What is most hilarious about your, "I'm really a Texas fan" propaganda campaign is that Texas has sucked ever since you started this charade. You should have used one of your 30 profiles to become an Oklahoma fan.
