Hey, another win for Maobama

EERs 3:16

Heisman Winner
Oct 17, 2001
Delivery of the S-300s was cancelled in 2010 after the UN imposed sanctions on Iran over its nuclear programme.

But the Russian president gave the go-ahead after Tehran struck an interim deal with world powers to curb nuclear activities in exchange for sanctions relief.

The US and Israel have criticised the news.

The $800m (£545m) contract to deliver the system was heavily criticised at the time by Israel and the US, who feared it could be used to protect Iranian nuclear sites from air strikes.

When it was cancelled, Iran filed a lawsuit seeking billions of dollars in damages.

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in a statement that the sale was put on hold "entirely voluntarily" to aid the talks on Iran's nuclear programme.
Iran, the Administration believes, is now sending surface to air missiles to Yemen to arm the Houthi rebels. So much for Obama curbing Iran's hegemony.
Originally posted by countryroads89:
Weren't the right wingers swinging from Putin's nuts a few months ago?
Quite the contrary. We were correctly pointing out that he was making Obama his bitch. It would seem that has and will continue. Obama's foreign policy train wreck continues unabated.
No, the right wingers were praising him like the second coming of Christ. Now, he's invading other countries and selling arms to Iran.

Here's another link:

Link to the past truth
Originally posted by countryroads89:
No, the right wingers were praising him like the second coming of Christ. Now, he's invading other countries and selling arms to Iran.

Here's another link:
So by their praising him for his stance on religious conservatism they hailing him as the 2nd coming. Embellish much?
For starters, that's not even accurate

It was a state affiliate of the AFA, not even the AFA, who I'd never heard of before now.

Steven Seagal? So this is state affiliate of the AFA and Steven Seagal now speak for all conservatives?

Yet CONSERVATIVES are the one with the issues of generalizing. Yeah, right.
Re: For starters, that's not even accurate

You seriously aren't going to try to argue that conservatives weren't praising Putin?

I could cite references all day long. Brietbart, Fox, the Blaze, etc. etc.

No they weren't dumbass

They were saying that between Putin and Obama, Putin was the stronger leader. Guess what? He still is. Not that anyone likes him but facts are facts. You're Messiah is pretty much a skinny girl in a man's suit. Tin pan dictators laugh at him and make him their bitch.
Re: No they weren't dumbass

Originally posted by Motown Mounty:
They were saying that between Putin and Obama, Putin was the stronger leader. Guess what? He still is. Not that anyone likes him but facts are facts. You're Messiah is pretty much a skinny girl in a man's suit. Tin pan dictators laugh at him and make him their bitch.
Putnam Al approves of this message.
Re: For starters, that's not even accurate

What does the russian economy have to do with wanting to see what putin would to to isis. I mean do you try to look retarded?
Wake me when Obama is even half as good as Putin. **

This post was edited on 4/13 10:32 PM by Wolf J. Flywheel
Re: For starters, that's not even accurate

Hey dumb dave, do try to follow along. I know it's tough without a college degree.

I clearly pointed out the lunacy of the conservatives in this country creaming their pants over what a "great leader" Putin is. This is the guiy that has destroyed their economy, invaded Ukraine for no reason whatsoever and is now selling missiles to Iran.

Please do keep telling me what a great leader Putin is (and I'm the dumbass, lol).

Re: For starters, that's not even accurate

Originally posted by countryroads89:

Hey dumb dave, do try to follow along. I know it's tough without a college degree.

I clearly pointed out the lunacy of the conservatives in this country creaming their pants over what a "great leader" Putin is. This is the guiy that has destroyed their economy, invaded Ukraine for no reason whatsoever and is now selling missiles to Iran.

Please do keep telling me what a great leader Putin is (and I'm the dumbass, lol).

It has been and will continue to be a comparison between Obama and Putin. You are arguing the merit of his actions. That is debatable. The fact is that he has gone unchecked by Obama which looks poor on Obama's part.