Here's proof how much Repubs respect the Constitution.....

There aren't many any more....

moderate repubs that is. The nuts are no longer the fringe-they are the mainstream. The GOP doesn't know quite what to do to win the Presidency these days. They put up two moderates in a row who got beat. And many blamed the GOP for its lukewarm support (didn't get out the base). But if they go full bore psycho ie Cruz, Paul, Huckabee, Perry, they will get crushed. What to do?
Originally posted by RichardPeterJohnson:

57% would support Christianity as the national religion. And only 30% oppose. Hardly surprising. Another interesting nugget from this poll, only 37% of repubs "believe in evolution".
I'm a member of the GOP and I can't stand the evangelicals. Further, I support Gay Marriage and believe in Evolution to include teaching it in schools.
I don't believe that 37% number. I knew very few Christians that

don't believe in evolution, and most all of them are Republican.
The two moderates lost me with their VP choices.......

I think alone, McCain and Romney were strong. But adding Palin and Ryan...they really shit the bed.
Originally posted by DvlDog4WVU:

Originally posted by RichardPeterJohnson:

57% would support Christianity as the national religion. And only 30% oppose. Hardly surprising. Another interesting nugget from this poll, only 37% of repubs "believe in evolution".
I'm a member of the GOP and I can't stand the evangelicals. Further, I support Gay Marriage and believe in Evolution to include teaching it in schools.
That makes you a damned liberal. :)
Just like there are not anymore moderate Dems.

A Joe Manchin or a Jim Webb would be killed in a Democratic primary these days.

Unfortunately for the Republicans, with Presidential elections these days the nation will tolerate a liberal Democrat over a Moderate Republican.
Please tell me you don't vote on the VP.

We elected a far left liberal over 2 moderate Republicans, had nothing to do with Palin and Ryan.
Personally, I don't think Ryan hurt....

he wasn't a big help either. But once people got to know Palin and considered that McCain could drop at any time, .....that hurt pretty badly.
Re: Hillary is moderate....

OMG. Hillary is moderate? Hillarycare is moderate? LMAO. Hillary that supports abortion on demand at any stage of life is moderate? Hillary who supports redistribution economics is moderate? Hillary, the Saul Alinsky acolyte is moderate? Hillary supports Kyoto, is that moderate?

I do agree that when compared to Obama, Hillary is right of him, but she is not a moderate.
Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:
Originally posted by DvlDog4WVU:

Originally posted by RichardPeterJohnson:

57% would support Christianity as the national religion. And only 30% oppose. Hardly surprising. Another interesting nugget from this poll, only 37% of repubs "believe in evolution".
I'm a member of the GOP and I can't stand the evangelicals. Further, I support Gay Marriage and believe in Evolution to include teaching it in schools.
That makes you a damned liberal. :)
Not really. In general I can't stand being in the presence of them. Their fantasy land of basing opinion on how they want things to be versus basing of how they really are grates on my nerves. You can see it in practice on this board. They have a complete inability to accept reality and bought so fully into Obama that any evidence to the contrary is heresy. It would almost be comical if the ramifications didn't have the lasting impacts they do.
Originally posted by DvlDog4WVU:

Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:

Originally posted by DvlDog4WVU:

Originally posted by RichardPeterJohnson:

57% would support Christianity as the national religion. And only 30% oppose. Hardly surprising. Another interesting nugget from this poll, only 37% of repubs "believe in evolution".
I'm a member of the GOP and I can't stand the evangelicals. Further, I support Gay Marriage and believe in Evolution to include teaching it in schools.
That makes you a damned liberal. :)
Not really. In general I can't stand being in the presence of them. Their fantasy land of basing opinion on how they want things to be versus basing of how they really are grates on my nerves. You can see it in practice on this board. They have a complete inability to accept reality and bought so fully into Obama that any evidence to the contrary is heresy. It would almost be comical if the ramifications didn't have the lasting impacts they do.
You could say the same thing about the majority of conservatives as well. Anybody that takes a firm stance politically is guilty of this same behavior. Then there are others, like yourself, that although they align predominantly with one party or the other, don't completely drink the kool aid and base every opinion based on that alignment.

More people need to think for themselves. The best thing for a democracy is a well-informed and reasoned populace.
Re: outstandiing perspective from a self-declared conservative!

I tip my hat to you. So refreshing to see someome with conservative belief's AND have a touch of reality. Well done.
No way in hell is she "Moderate".

Bill was pragmatic. She may be as well, but "Moderate" by my definition (more Libertarian) she's not even close. I can't think of a single issue where she would be more Moderate than Romney and McCain ever were.
Neither cost any states that cost their running mates the WH.

What cost them was Cool Black Guy versus Old Grumpy Guy and Cool Black Guy versus Rich Nerdy Guy.
What is "Moderate" to you?

Because there appears to be a wide range of what you consider Moderate versus what others may.
Then Biden is your choice

Hillary has been exposed as not having a moderate bone in her body.
not sure it's proof but it is evidence pointing in another direction.....

possibly supporting a theocracy (big reach there needing more evidence) OR at least supporting various laws based in a protestant evangelical mentality.
Not saying it does to everyone. What does it mean to you?

Because there is a wide spectrum there.
I am not certain it is far right. sort of like ISIS

using islam as cover to be a certain way.

I think this is personality disorder land. When a person externalizes blame, doesn't take responsibility for glaring errors (remember Bud saying "post where I said.......), and believes in arguing over nothing, it no longer is partisan but rather disease.
Re: I'm not into these labels like you people are

but the best way for me to describe it would be someone that is a pragmatist (sp) and will tend to have both liberal and conservative political idealogy depending on the subject.

I believe there is a wide spectrum of "moderates" out there. In many instances, I would consider you a moderate. I consider myself a moderate. I would consider bama and Coop moderates. There are others here as well I would consider more moderate than anything else. But just comparing you to me, we tend to disagree on many subjects. That is because on certain subjects, you are bordering on the right or you indeed are expressing more of a "libertarian" type of thought and we butt heads over those subjects. Then there are other topics I"m bordering on liberal and you are more in the center and again, we butt heads.
she isn't even a centrist democrat

I certainly don't agree she is a moderate. To borrow a phrase, one saying they are a moderate implies they lack a political ideology. She is certainly ideological and has a political point of view shaped by ideology.

One can look at the conservative ideological platform and see she isn't molded from those principles as much as one looks at american liberalism to see she is much more grounded there.
I'd agree with that, and we could even possibly agree on more than

you or I may think.
Re: I am not certain it is far right. sort of like ISIS

Lol. It must be nice to have all those letters behind your name. Then you can sit in your rarefied air and pass judgment on others. Or maybe you were just passing along propaganda.
What a hypocrite

Propaganda for one poll and not for the one you like. I guess with all those letters behind your name, your entitled to be a hypocrite.
This tells us about the accuracy of this outfit....

"GOP In Grave Danger Of Losing House In 2014, PPP Polls Show" "The Public Policy Polling compiled two dozen surveys, commissioned and paid for by
Political Action, from House districts around the country, taken from
Oct. 2 through Oct. 4. Sample sizes were between 600 and 700 voters in
each district."
naturally you apply your own meaning to my response

I said I'm not sure it proves anything but possibly....................

you apply meaning where you want, attack want you want, and still ask god for blessings on sunday while attacking others during the week. stay holy!
This post was edited on 2/25 7:46 PM by BigLickMountee