Sorry, 2-1. You lose again.
The background: The below pictures show what I posted on HypocriteNation. A large contributor to their premium board (which has a main focus on recruiting) is a poster by the name of HerdFever. HerdFever's twitter handle is "drewnasty_1." He is a 30+ year older who moved out of his mom's house last year (no, really, that isn't smack). His Twitter showed him making numerous NCAA booster violations. He was regularly Tweeting Marshall recruits, engaging them in conversations, and urging them to come to Marshall. He was also Tweeting current and former Marshall players at the same time trying to get them to engage the recruits in discussions about why they should go to Marshall. These are level 2 NCAA violations. He also sent some of the recruits private messages. I have proof of many of these instances. His page also includes numerous racial and homophobic slurs. So, besides the NCAA violations, he also is baiting the recruits to his page which is full of these racial and homophobic comments ("I guess all ******s like yourself has [sic] AIDS," "And your ****** ass don't [sic] feel sorry for what you wrote . . . this is why people don't give a fvck about the LGBT," etc.).
I posted about how he was committing violations. The post was quickly deleted. I was told that it has no place on the board. That's odd considering that over the years the moderators have posted warnings about those exact violations, and the moderators have even posted comments from the Marshall compliance office urging boosters not to do exactly that. But, now that a paying customer who contributes a lot of recruiting information to the premium site does it, the moderators don't want to discuss any violations. I believe they are complicit in the violations considering they profit off of the violations the booster commits, try hiding the violations, and delete any mention of them.
So, after that post was deleted, I pointed out how Marshall fans should not act toward student-athletes. Below, you can see the pictures of my post which was deleted. Again, I was told that it had no place on the board to be discussed. So, you're telling me that discussing Marshall fans' actions towards Marshall student-athletes doesn't have a place on the board? When a Marshall fan Tweets the starting QB that he "fvcking sucks" and tells him to transfer so he doesn't keep ruining the program, it shouldn't be discussed? When a booster commits violations and the recruits he contacts look at his page and see how Marshall fans treat their own student-athletes if they don't live up to expectations, it doesn't belong on the board?
Both were very reasonable discussions. But, when the culprit is a paying customer who brings them a lot of recruiting information, why would they try to stop his violations? They, of course, would want it to continue to get the information (which leads to money):