Lord I hope so, Holton is the key to the press. Being out for two weeks, I hope he has been running to stay in shape. Can't play PressVirginia without a lot of wind.trying my hand at insidering
This does make you wonder who will take Holton's spot in the press next year. Watkins?
WVP = Official insiderI plan to attend tomorrow's practice (If Huggs will let me in). If Holton practices I will let everyone know. This is what you call...............'insider' dope that normally is reserved for the shiny shoes.
don't thank me. thank my undisclosed sources
Paper.............I demand to know your source(s)! I want to see your sources have shinier shoes than my sources. Give them up. Right now!
then you'd be a day late to the party
are you calling me a bonafide asshat
You are Bonafide! Now, whats your thoughts on the Barutti situation?
still pondering whether you should go back to the ignore list
but barutti will be a mountaineer. his momma says he has to come home or at least within an hour of home
So who is going to leave the team to open up a slot for a scholarship?
could we trade dana?
See, you just went and screwed up your probationary period by bringing Dana up in a basketball thread..........What a shame.
Not Bonafide after all.