Has anyone ever wondered why


Dec 7, 2005
Has anyone ever wondered why defenses don't just tee off on qbs when they run the zone read whether they have ithe ball or not? It's why they don't run it in the NFL near as much as they did a few years back.

It's assignment football kind of the same as the option, and qbs who get hit don't throw the ball that or near as accurate After a few hits.
I wondered about this years ago. Probably before the thought came to anyone else. The concept is intriguing.
Has anyone ever wondered why defenses don't just tee off on qbs when they run the zone read whether they have ithe ball or not? It's why they don't run it in the NFL near as much as they did a few years back.

It's assignment football kind of the same as the option, and qbs who get hit don't throw the ball that or near as accurate After a few hits.

Anymore they'd throw a flag... ...or make rules where they actually should throw a flag.


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