Somebody is terrible with math. 60,000 capacity and "half empty" means 30,000.
Even with the students away for the holidays, the attendance was 42,446. Students seating allotment is 12,000. So the public did pretty well in threatening weather.
Hell, it would take Pitt 5 games to have that many in the stands!
Find another excuse to crybaby and whine.
M ighty defense throttled Georgia Southern, 44-0
O utstanding defense obliterated Liberty, 41-17
U nilaterally decimated Maryland, 45-6, on defense and offense
N oxious offense & special teams against Oklahoma, 44-24
T urnovers lose to Oklahoma State, 33-26 in OT despite impressive comeback from 15-point deficit.
A wesome Baylor too much, 62-38.
I ncinerated by TCU, 40-10. Way too many mistakes, penalties, dropped passes.
N ifty rushing, defense take down Texas Tech, 31-26
E xcellent turnovers by defense against Texas, 38-20
E rectile dysfunctioned Kansas, 49-0
R oll past Iowa State
S lap down Kansas State