"I have to be honest with you, the more I hear from the
administration and its quotes, the more it sounds like talking points
that come straight out of Tehran," Menendez. "And it feeds to the
Iranian narrative of victimization when they are the ones with original
sin--an illicit nuclear weapons program, going back over the course of
20 years, that they are unwilling to come clean on."
Menendez is the highest Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
administration and its quotes, the more it sounds like talking points
that come straight out of Tehran," Menendez. "And it feeds to the
Iranian narrative of victimization when they are the ones with original
sin--an illicit nuclear weapons program, going back over the course of
20 years, that they are unwilling to come clean on."
Menendez is the highest Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.