Going too far


Jun 17, 2005
My position on religion is pretty well established at this point, however, I find things like this ridiculous.

We have a constitutional right to freedom of religion (or to practice no religion). As long as the schools aren't forcing anybody to pray, I don't see how in the world you can take this action.

Crazy. Left or right, it doesn't matter, people will go way too far.

No Prayer After Games
Yea--it's sad. Small town politics....

I can see refraining from stadium-wide prayer over the PA system. But these kids should be able to lead their own prayers on the field amongst themselves.
Seems to be more than just small town politics

If you read the article they state Supreme Court cases that have upheld this.

It baffles me. There are some things I can see being unconstitutional, perhaps, such as forced prayer, or maybe as you said stadium-wide over the PA. However, if people aren't being forced to do it, I don't see why it's an issue.

There's a "Freedom from Religion Foundation" that's behind all of this, which seems ludicrous in the first place because we are granted Freedom OF Religion, not Freedom FROM Religion.

My religious friends on here (kinda sure I don't have any at this point, lol), I honestly feel for you when it comes to things like this. I find it ridiculous. I don't agree with everything that people say is an attack on religion, but I'm definitely on your side when it comes to this.
Here is what the Constitution says on it

Article (Amendment 1 - Freedom of expression and religion) 13
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging
the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the
people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for
a redress[/URL] of grievances.

I don't see a law being established by students praying. I also don't see Congress establishing a religion by students praying. We currently look at everything regarding religion/schools/public expressions from a court ruling in the 1960's.

If people want to pray in public let them pray. If people want to say I don't like that without harming the people praying that is fine too.

Prior to the 1960's people prayed or didn't pray in public. Even when they had prayer in school it was your choice to pray or not. Now the people with the faith of anti religion is the only faith allowed to be expressed in public. Me I'm a person of Faith. I think those of all Faiths and those whose Faith say there is no God should be able to express both views without fear of being kicked out of school, lose their public or private jobs, or worse.

Personally I believe my faith is The Way. That doesn't mean I want to hurt, kill or imprison those around me. They should be able to express their faith as long as they don't hurt anyone.

The people who disagree are just about taking away freedom. People get offended. It is a benefit of Free Speech and Free Religion. To take freedom away is not enlightening. It is not helping the minority. Shame on us for taking it away.
I am all for "allowing" (that's not a good word because it implies someone is giving someone else a right) people to pray in public places, anywhere for that matter, if they choose to. It should never be sponsored/endorsed by federal, state or local government. That is establishment of religion, which violates the first amendment quoted in this thread. I am also against trying to force or encourage anyone to pray. If they don't want to, they shouldn't have to. I am for the freedom of those to worship/pray as they see appropriate and I am for the freedom of those that wish to not participate.

Supreme Court cases have already spoken on this very topic, numerous times. Given this case history, I think the Superintendent has made a wise choice, although it is probably not very popular.

On a side note, I'm amazed that Texas public schools read Bible verses over their PA system (according to the comment on the linked article).
There was another hubbub at Bridgeport several years ago

A teacher or maybe the principal had a cross on the wall in their office. Or maybe it was a picture of Jesus (which makes the complaints even more ridiculous). Anyway, the fallout was that they had to remove the "offending" item.

I find that equally ridiculous. Somebody displaying some kind of religious decoration doesn't suggest that the entire school or school system has adopted that religion.

I never understood the 10 Commandment thing on the courthouse either. As long as the court isn't ruling in such a way that it would suggest there is an "approved" religion, I don't see the big deal.

Just because one person interprets something in some way, that doesn't mean that it was intended in that way.
Re: Yea--it's sad. Small town politics....

Its not small town politics. The people behind this stuff are the freedom from religion folks and if they can get some local dick to do it for them even better.

How is stopping the prayer constitutional. I understand why schools cannot sponsor it even if i disagree but stopping kids from exercising their freedom is wrong.
Re: Seems to be more than just small town politics

Your religious statements dont offend me.

The thing that disturbs me about this stuff is that it often happens from a group that has no affiliation to the school.makes the threat. They have no standing to sue because their rights are not violated.

I didnt see your reply to bama so i apologize for essentially repeating your response.
Re: There was another hubbub at Bridgeport several years ago

It was a picture of jesus and it was comical because there was a picture of other religious figures in the school.

A school in virginia had to change the name of their chorus from the "voie of angels" because some complained.

Their school mascot is still the blue demons.
Re: Seems to be more than just small town politics

Dave is it like our fellow poster, on a smaller scale, just saying and doing things to piss people off? How can that be satisfying?
Re: Seems to be more than just small town politics

Not sure what you are saying. I am not trying to piss anyone off.
Re: Seems to be more than just small town politics

Pissing off reference was to those who take a position contrary to what most others find agreeable. On the MMB, we/I assume most of the comments would be positive about WVU vs. those who are negative about everything WVU. Never found you to be in that negative category.
Re: Seems to be more than just small town politics

One thing you can know about me is that i will tell what i think. If im gonna troll or flame it is usually on facebook and not here.

I consider facebook as the lowest common denominator of commentary.
Yeah, as long as it is a Christian prayer

Not to mention everyone has to hear it, you can pray anywhere, only people who want their God to be validated by Government even give a shit about this.
Re: Seems to be more than just small town politics

I am not running for office, so I don't have to be tech savy as required by Whitetail. I haven't learned how to use facebook. From what I hear, I have no interest in learning. If someone contacts me, I can reply and get on that way, but I have refrained from trying to get on it myself. I totally do not think it holds anything of interest for me.

Hell, I haven't even learned to copy/paste on here. Everything I enter is from my thoughts. Unfortunately my mind drifts while I am posting and can end up with three/four thoughts in one post and no one knows what the hell I have said - including me. Damned if I am going to hire a secretary to proof read.
Re: Seems to be more than just small town politics

Originally posted by mneilmont:

I am not running for office, so I don't have to be tech savy as required by Whitetail.
That wasn't my point and you know it.

It isn't even close to being what I think.

In the thread you still apparently take so much issue with I even said that NOT being tech savy wouldn't mean he isn't fit for president, only that he shouldn't be a chair on a technology committee.

Why deliberately misrepresent what was said just to be antagonistic? Planting weeds just so you have something to pull.
Re: Seems to be more than just small town politics

It would be nice to see your original post pertaining to my Senator. I do believe you are being a bit lenient at this time. If not, ignore the comments that I make in error of interpretation. Simple.
Re: Seems to be more than just small town politics

Originally posted by mneilmont:

It would be nice to see your original post pertaining to my Senator. I do believe you are being a bit lenient at this time. If not, ignore the comments that I make in error of interpretation. Simple.
Your whole argument and issue was apparently in error of interpretation. Although, I stated it very very clearly, so I don't even see how you could have misinterpreted it. And you call me dense.
Re: Seems to be more than just small town politics

Here ya go, I'll even make it easy for you ...

Originally posted by Wolf J. Flywheel:
Why should we care about E-Mail count?
We shouldn't as it relates to his qualifications for POTUS.
But I do think it's relevant to his qualifications for being chair on a technology committee when he doesn't use technology

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