going to be a owebamacrap repeal vote next week...


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001
McConnell calls for Obamacare repeal vote after replacement plan ...
21 hours ago - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has called for avote to repeal Obamacare with a two-year delay after the plan to replace the law failed ...

Mitch McConnell won't pull the plug Obamacare repeal - CNNPolitics ...
5 hours ago - Mitch McConnell refuses to pull the plug on stalledObamacare repeal plan. MJ Lee · Lauren Fox .... GOP lacks votes forObamacare repeal.

GOP Support Erodes for McConnell's Obamacare Repeal Plan - NBC ...
4 hours ago - In the coming days, the Senate will take up a vote on a repealof Obamacare combined with a stable two-year transition period as we work ...
McConnell calls for Obamacare repeal vote after replacement plan ...
21 hours ago - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has called for avote to repeal Obamacare with a two-year delay after the plan to replace the law failed ...

Mitch McConnell won't pull the plug Obamacare repeal - CNNPolitics ...
5 hours ago - Mitch McConnell refuses to pull the plug on stalledObamacare repeal plan. MJ Lee · Lauren Fox .... GOP lacks votes forObamacare repeal.

GOP Support Erodes for McConnell's Obamacare Repeal Plan - NBC ...
4 hours ago - In the coming days, the Senate will take up a vote on a repealof Obamacare combined with a stable two-year transition period as we work ...

So as suspected, the entire plan is to undo Obama's signature legislation vs actually replace it with something better and more affordable as promised. It is a sad day in American politics. Well actually it was sad when the Dems nominated Clinton and the Nutz nominated the village idiot
actually replace it with something better and more affordable as promised.
Going to take both sides to do that. Shumer won't come to the table until ACA is killed. You don't like it? The Dem's set this playing field. They could have worked with the GOP on the Repeal and Replace plan. They would not stand for ACA being repealed, so, this is what they are left with.
Trump can wait until 2018 to fix owebamacrap...

2018 Primary Elections And Caucuses
Wisconsin: Primary Election Day
February 20,2018

Louisiana: Municipal Primary
March 24,2018

North Carolina: Primary Election day
May 8,2018
Nebraska: Primary Election
May 15,2018
Kentucky: Primary Election Day
May 22,2018

California: Statewide Direct Primary Election 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
June 5,2018
Iowa: Primary Election Day
June 5,2018
South Dakota: Primary Election Day
June 5,2018
Maryland: primary election
June 26,2018

Tennessee: State and Federal Primary/County General/Town of Farragut Municipal Election Schedule
August 2,2018
August 11,2018
Minnesota: Primary Election Day
August 14,2018
Wisconsin: Partisan Primary for the November 6, 2018 General Election.
August 14,2018
Wyoming: Primary Election
August 21,2018
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The 2018 United States elections will mostly be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. These midterm elections will take place in the middle of Republican President Donald Trump's term. All 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives and 33 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate will be contested. 39 state and territorial governorships and numerous other state and local elections will also be contested.

10 Senate seats that could flip in 2018 | TheHill
Nov 16, 2016 - Democrats reeling from a devastating election face a daunting task: the 2018 Senate map. ... Democrats in the Senate are hoping to find some political momentum for 2018 ... No state's Senate race changed more in 2016 than Indiana's. ......

Where the 2018 Senate races stand today - Business Insider
A lopsided map, heated primaries, and Trump: Where the 2018 Senate racesstand today.
Allan Smith. Jul. 15, 2017, 7:30 AM; 23,485.

How Bad Is the Democratic Senate Map for 2018? | RealClearPolitics
May 09, 2017 ... Every political junkie knows the Senate map is bad for Democrats. Over half of the Democratic caucus will be up for re-election, and some of these incumbents represent highly red states such as Montana, North Dakota, West ...
Trump can wait until 2018 to fix owebamacrap...

2018 Primary Elections And Caucuses
Wisconsin: Primary Election Day
February 20,2018

Louisiana: Municipal Primary
March 24,2018

North Carolina: Primary Election day
May 8,2018
Nebraska: Primary Election
May 15,2018
Kentucky: Primary Election Day
May 22,2018

California: Statewide Direct Primary Election 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
June 5,2018
Iowa: Primary Election Day
June 5,2018
South Dakota: Primary Election Day
June 5,2018
Maryland: primary election
June 26,2018

Tennessee: State and Federal Primary/County General/Town of Farragut Municipal Election Schedule
August 2,2018
August 11,2018
Minnesota: Primary Election Day
August 14,2018
Wisconsin: Partisan Primary for the November 6, 2018 General Election.
August 14,2018
Wyoming: Primary Election
August 21,2018
You betcha, let the failure go on as long as possible. It's all good.
Going to take both sides to do that. Shumer won't come to the table until ACA is killed. You don't like it? The Dem's set this playing field. They could have worked with the GOP on the Repeal and Replace plan. They would not stand for ACA being repealed, so, this is what they are left with.

How would anyone get to the table from the left? They were never invited. No female GOP senators were I vited either.
How would anyone get to the table from the left? They were never invited. No female GOP senators were I vited either.
Don't be a fool. They said if Repeal was on the table they would not sit at it. They refused to get involved. Shumer was on record the week after the election statin that.
I hope so, it won't pass, everyone in the GOP doesn't refute the CBO predictions and the Donald is losing allies daily. His social media club and dim wit true blue base ain't gonna save him. Ever worked for people like him? "Here is what I want to be done, call me when your finished, I'll be playing on the firetruck and trying on cowboy hats!" lol
Don't be a fool. They said if Repeal was on the table they would not sit at it. They refused to get involved. Shumer was on record the week after the election statin that.

Group of 12 male senators. Hand selected. No Dems invited. No women invited. Look it up. Not fake news. Schumer is an ass
Group of 12 male senators. Hand selected. No Dems invited. No women invited. Look it up. Not fake news. Schumer is an ass
Back it up further. Group of 12 was selected AFTER Shumer/Pelosi said the Dems would not participate in anything related to Repeal. This legislation was coupled with Repeal. Get your timelines correct or don't waste my time.
Back it up further. Group of 12 was selected AFTER Shumer/Pelosi said the Dems would not participate in anything related to Repeal. This legislation was coupled with Repeal. Get your timelines correct or don't waste my time.

STFU. Any good politician would have extended a formal invitation to the Dems just to evidence the fact that they reached across the aisle. But they excluded female republicans so we all know what the plan was here.....GOP good ole boys club. They thought they were smarter than everyone else and the failed.
keep at it #hilliaryslosers...

keep the blinders on...

full speed ahead...
STFU. Any good politician would have extended a formal invitation to the Dems just to evidence the fact that they reached across the aisle. But they excluded female republicans so we all know what the plan was here.....GOP good ole boys club. They thought they were smarter than everyone else and the failed.
You still haven't gone back to look at Shumer's interview damn near the day after the election where he set the terms. Not only dumb, but lazy, and most definitely wrong.
You still haven't gone back to look at Shumer's interview damn near the day after the election where he set the terms. Not only dumb, but lazy, and most definitely wrong.

Schumer sucks. Why not reach out to the moderates? The republican senators seem to the lazy and most definitely arrogant ones. No women. No dems. No consensus. Failure. Pure idiocy.
Back it up further. Group of 12 was selected AFTER Shumer/Pelosi said the Dems would not participate in anything related to Repeal. This legislation was coupled with Repeal. Get your timelines correct or don't waste my time.

Group of 12 males.....Consensus builders they are not. Admit it, the Nutz control everything and they can't move the needle.
Schumer sucks. Why not reach out to the moderates? The republican senators seem to the lazy and most definitely arrogant ones. No women. No dems. No consensus. Failure. Pure idiocy.
You can't just say Shumer sucks. He is the Senate Minority Leader. He determines what his party does. Sure, they can break ranks. They don't though. Trump said at the onset he was willing to work with the Dems. Shumer said in an interview, if Repeal was on the table, the Dems would not support it. The TrumpCare legislation was coupled with Repeal. Ergo, Shumer and the Dems refused to participate. It's not a difficult concept to grasp. I'm not sure why you are struggling with it. Granted, it doesn't fit your retarded narrative, but, like most of the talking points I see you use, they aren't based in a lot data and reality, they're backed by emotion and innuendo.

From a GOP perspective, I don't like how they handled it internally. I don't like the legislation. I don't care for "replacement". I just want repeal. However, the strategy they went with was a true Moderates plan. Something both sides should have been able to get behind in a normal political environment. Is it a roll back of a lot of ObamaCare? Yes, that's what GOP voters want. Is it a complete gutting of Obamacare? Not even close, that's why the hardliners are against it. Why do you think GOP people are referring to it as ObamaCare light? That's why there isn't consensus on the right. Again, not hard to understand these concepts. This bill was as close to touching middle ground as anything that could have been hoped for by moderates and the entirety of the left. The identity angle of no women...if there were then it would be no black people...if there were, then it would be no hispanics....and so on. You are parroting liberal identity bullshit. That has no bearing on why this bill is struggling.

Strategically, it was boxed in and packaged because Trump created a scenario where the GOP had it's hands tied. It was a horrible blunder on his part. He should have kept his mouth shut on the issue. This failure is on him. From a partisan perspective, this is not what GOP voters want. I was 100% against it, albeit for different reasoning than that of the left as the same with most of the GOP who are against it. I understand the left wasn't going to get on board.

Bottomline, ACA is unsustainable from a financial aspect. The pitfalls of ACA are exactly what those on the right cautioned against. It has had a negative impact on economic growth. Costs were passed from businesses down to the consumer through higher premiums and much higher deductibles. Private industry has taken a beating on this as has the workforce. Businesses paused expansion, reclassified workers, shifted from more full time to a greater part time workforce to bypass ACA. It stifled job growth and has cost 100's of billions of dollars to the coffers of Gov't. The pools aren't big enough to spread the costs. Insurance companies have dropped out of exchanges at an alarming rate, much more than originally anticipated. In order to fix Obamacare, you have to throw trillions of dollars at it.

There is a reality, if you want to provide universal healthcare, there will be a massive shift in where the US budget goes. That's fine. Understand though, that when that occurs, the likely target is the defense budget. Ok, great. As that happens, 100's of thousands of middle class jobs will be lost in order to sustain people with healthcare. I'm obviously not for that, though, it won't impact me professionally because I'm in an area of defense that is growing and not in danger of retracting. I'm also in a company that isn't in danger of losing contracts, at present. We will end up shutting down some of our growth initiatives. Most of our IRAD projects will be gone. IRAD will be shifted to existing Gov't contracts as happened from 2009-2014. In that time we laid off close to 10000 people across our different Operating Units. We've already discussed in some higher level meetings what IRAD projects we'd shut down if some of these GOP led initiatives don't get passed. These will be software, hardware, and systems engineers that are laid off, as well as all of the Programs folks and support elements that go with it. That's $100k taxpayers being impacted. Seem like a good strategy? I can only speak intelligent about my specific company but if we're doing the planning, I imagine the other F500 Defense companies are as well.

You guys cheering this failure as if it's some political sport because you hate Trump are cheering against the middle class. It's mind boggling from a financial perspective. Obviously, not everyone is motivated by the financial aspect....BoomBoom being one. No harm for having a different opinion. His philosophy further shrinks industry though and expands Gov't. That's a nonstarter for me as a GOP member. I cannot support that philosophy. We are diametrically opposed on these issues and likely not to see middle ground. Both of us are driven, albeit from different motivations. Bottomline, we just have a different idea on what is important, neither are wrong. That's why this bill should've sailed through, because it bridged the middle. Enter Shumer/Pelosi and the Dems refusing to even participate at the onset. They gambled on GOP lacking consensus, they won. Call it a failure of leadership or call it a large percentage of GOP sticking to their principles, doing what their voters want, etc.

Yes, it was a failure of leadership on Trump's part. Yes, it was a failure of the GOP to push through an initiative so it was a GOP failure in congressional leadership. Understanding why it failed though has little to do with the bill. They should have trotted out what the hardliners wanted. You had to have them on board. His only salvation was to work with them and the GOP leadership chose not to. The other alternative was to work with the Dems who refused to participate before the discussion even began, because it began with a repeal of ACA. Realistically, ACA had to be repealed just because of how it was passed through that archaic budgetary reconciliation nonsense. It was passed in a very difficult way that would make it nearly impossible to unwind. Good job on the Dems part.

Make no mistake though, because it wasn't repealed, the Dems still own this albatross and it will continue to have a negative impact on a lot of businesses and middle class. If they would have killed it, you would have seen economic growth kickstarted. Now, we will continue to slog along and more middleclass workers will be impacted. Good job!!! We stopped Trump!!! Here is your pink slip.
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