Given how much death and destruction

EERs 3:16

Heisman Winner
Oct 17, 2001
Big Pharma has caused (The opioid epidemic) companies like Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson should be handing out the COVID vaccine for free. It's literally the least thy can do
ehhh blame should be on the citizens for that. The government stepped in cause there was money to be made on the federal and state level for rehabs, and then you had the FDA send out mixed guidelines to physicians and caused a decrease in pills written, which only increased deaths because you had heroin and fentanyl show up when they were never around much. You don't see alcohol and tobacco being sued and vilified as much as pharma companies. Pharmacy companies due have some blame, but it's not due to the "opioid epidemic".
ehhh blame should be on the citizens for that. The government stepped in cause there was money to be made on the federal and state level for rehabs, and then you had the FDA send out mixed guidelines to physicians and caused a decrease in pills written, which only increased deaths because you had heroin and fentanyl show up when they were never around much. You don't see alcohol and tobacco being sued and vilified as much as pharma companies. Pharmacy companies due have some blame, but it's not due to the "opioid epidemic".
Did you miss the big tobacco lawsuits and settlements? Tobacco is almost out of business. And who is to say that the doctors did not create a new generation of drug addicts? After all, the same opioid you get at the CVS is the same opioid you get from the dude on the street corner.
Did you miss the big tobacco lawsuits and settlements? Tobacco is almost out of business. And who is to say that the doctors did not create a new generation of drug addicts? After all, the same opioid you get at the CVS is the same opioid you get from the dude on the street corner.
Ok and alcohol and tobacco are still allowed to be sold over the counter. Is there a restriction on those items other than age? Your basic hydrocodone and oxycodone do not get people hooked if they are written for legitimate pain patients. It’s these 100lb bimbo housewife that got bored and decided to snort some with a loser that caused issues. Its people who have no jobs that try and get high. Maybe marijuana criminalization created this “crisis”. The crisis today is caused by fentanyl and heroin. Good luck getting those from CVS.
This is false: Your basic hydrocodone and oxycodone do not get people hooked if they are written for legitimate pain patients.
we can agree to disagree. Giving someone a 3 week prescription does not cause addiction. There’s a difference between addiction and dependence.
Physical addition with opiates begins to set in in 3 days. Regardless, there is no amount of pain I could be in where I’d take an opioid. I’ve watched it wreck too many of my close friends and family who were legitimately prescribed the drugs.
As someone who has played in this space for over 25 years, this thread does not deliver. Everyone in this thread is neither right or wrong. It’s way more complicated than this.

Pharma bought congress and in turn they forced bed medical decisions on healthcare providers. The rest is is hodgepodge of bed medicine and people who wanted the good stuff. After that the gov mucked it up.

the people who say they got addicted on a couple of pills have issues. Some real, some self inflected.

My brother has the red hair gene that make opioids ineffective. He could eat than all day and not get relief or addicted. It goes both ways
Big Pharma has caused (The opioid epidemic) companies like Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson should be handing out the COVID vaccine for free. It's literally the least thy can do
Blame the Stacklers, who have been pretty heavily covered up here. There wasn't that much new introduced, but watch The Crime of the Century on HBO. Drugs are necessary for many things, but Big Pharma is the source of many problems for this country. They sole purpose it to get the American public hooked on whatever drug (opiods aren't the only ones) they create and the charge as much as they can for it.