Gibby's thoughts on Mizzou offense...


Heisman Winner
Oct 26, 2004
The Revolution
In some ways, it will be hard for Gibson and his defensive coaches to get an accurate gauge on just how well their guys performed yesterday because of some of the head-scratching things Missouri chose to do offensively.

“They missed a lot of stuff not seeing wide outs, hell, there were times the ball was snapped and our corner was just trying to get lined up,” Gibson said. “That’s the fastest offense I’ve ever coached against. But they weren’t checking to anything, which helped us. I really don’t know their game plan - and still can’t tell you after watching it for 100 snaps what they were trying to do.”

So, basically, they just wanted to get 100 snaps and hope to win the lottery with those better odds? It took subbing our scrubs in for them to get in the endzone, so maybe it'll work if they played C-USA teams every week, but last I checked, they're playing the SEC. Defensively we'll be fine.
If offense doesn't sub then they can snap it as fast as ref spots ball?
Mizzou was literally snapping it within 3-4 seconds of the last play.
Good points by Gibby. What's the point if your offense isn't really accomplishing anything by it.
Like I said in another thread......Mizzou played a little too fast for their own good.
I distinctly recall watching the speed which Mizzou snapped the ball those times and then thinking about that so-called JET COUNT broadcasters always said Rich supposedly had in his offense (and which I honestly never recall him using).

Frankly, I always thought that super quick count was an effective idea; though it's fairly clear most no-huddle coaches prefer to come to the LOS and have their QB look at the defense alignment first before deciding what play to actually call (and on what count to snap it). Obviously, Mizzou didn't care about the defense at all on those fast-count plays this past Saturday; guess Heupel thought he was accomplishing something......though it really didn't affect the game much (if at all).

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