Get your affairs in order...the end is near......MSNBC just

Snow Sled Baby

Gold Member
Jan 4, 2003
Staunton Va
criticized Hillary Clinton.....I spewed my Folgers Black Silk halfway across the room......if the obama news network can give a dem hell then surely the apocalypse is upon us........I now officially apologize to all those on this board I have offended...just in case the world ends before I get another chance
If you listen to this forum, there never will be a global war.

This after 100 million people lost in two already.

Apparently, man's lust for blood and dominion ended in the 40's.

How can the end be near when there will never be another world war?
I believe the democratic machine...which includes the media

has determined that Hillary is more of a liability to the party than a viable candidate. She is NOT as leftist as they would like...Warren is closer to what they are wishing for....she is also in it for the glory and money...check her and Bill's bank accounts...they have made $100s of millions by doing the bidding of major companies and foreign interests...
I find it interesting that Billary is getting this type of criticism so

early...they have made enemies and now it appears to be pay-back time.