Germany Updates Wartime Measures For The FIRST TIME Since Cold War... Thanks, obiden...


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001
Here is what the new plan includes:
— Compulsory conscription reinstated: Citizens can be drafted at any time.
— Evacuation of citizens and food rationing: Plans for mass evacuation and ensuring one hot meal per day through rationing.
— Makeshift bunkers and prepared hospitals: Subway stations to be used as bunkers; hospitals ready for sudden influx of patients.
— Emergency food reserves stored secretly: Stockpiles of food in undisclosed locations for crisis situations.
— Job bans in key sectors: Prohibitions on quitting jobs critical to defense; media must publish official updates.
— NATO troop movements: Facilitating the rapid movement of NATO troops through Germany to the eastern front.

— Civilian roles for healthcare professionals: Doctors, psychologists, nurses, and vets repurposed for military and civil service.