GBI Strategies Director Gary Bell Had 70 Organizations Operating in 20 States in 2020 – WITH JOE BIDEN CAMPAIGN CASH


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001

Michigan police find tens of thousands of fake voter registrations, bags of pre-paid gift cards, guns with silencers, burner phones, and a democrat-funded organization with multiple temporary facilities in several states in a massive 2020 voter fraud bust.

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There's no proof...there's no proof...there's no proof...there's no proof....there's no proof....there's no proof....

While Leftists, the media and Democrats ignore this story. :rolleyes:


Election Fraud Action Plan:

I just discussed this explosive Michigan election fraud scandal on Warroom with Steve Bannon and here are 2 major takeaways:

1. We now know how Democrats rig elections from beginning to end.

PACs fund leftist groups like GBI Strategies with $11M+, GBI pays foot soldiers with prepaid money cards to file fraudulent ballot registrations and use burner phones to coordinate distribution, and then they fill out those mail-in ballots and pay mules to put them in drop boxes and do 3AM vote dumps with no GOP observers

But how do we stop it when the FBI & DOJ are corrupt?

2. Keep the investigations and prosecutions **LOCAL**. An indictment from a local DA is just as good as an indictment from the state AG or FBI.

This Michigan investigation got shut down when they brought in the FBI and Dem AG Dana Nessel.

If the NYC DA can indict a former President, then local DAs can shut down these election fraud operations themselves

We now know how Democrats rig our elections

Time to stop them with LOCAL prosecutions
I hope Trump uses some of this information in his trial(s). None of his allegations of voter fraud were ever investigated. Maybe one good outcome of these "witch hunts" trying to prove he attempted to overthrow a legitimate election will be we finally get to understand how it was stolen?
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They printed fake ballots until they 'won'...
That's why they shut down those vote counts. They knew how many more they needed, and they needed time to manufacture them. How else did Biden come from that far behind to win each and every one of those swing States he was losing badly in before all those counts were stopped?

I hope Trump's defense points all of this out because it's never been looked into.
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They printed fake ballots until they 'won'...
We know two facts.

Biden was losing badly in those States where the vote counts were stopped.

He won all of them after the counting resumed. Those are unarguable facts.

What we don't know is how that happened? These revelations explain why those counts were stopped, and where Biden's winning votes came from.
Leftists and Democrats are ready to repeat lies all day...anytime, anywhere for anything. Yet when hard evidence of the Truth comes out, they are not only can't find them anywhere near even recognizing the information exists!

Trump ought to present all of this in his case where he's accused of trying to steal the election, and ask his accusers to explain all of this?
So creepy Joe, if your side didn't cheat in the last election how do you explain all of these phony registrations organized by PACs and all of the various vote buying schemes revealed in this thread?

There's a difference between "cheating" and making sure you get enough votes to win
iu is there a difference between being a creep and a stone cold liar too?
If Colleges can pay players for their name, image, or likeness...politicians should get paid selling their name at least!

Even if they're extremely creepy as you are Joe? No Thanks, I'll keep my money! 😏
If Colleges can pay players for their name, image, or likeness...politicians should get paid selling their name at least!

Even if they're extremely creepy as you are Joe? No Thanks, I'll keep my money! 😏
Ya know its funny, all the board socialists ( democrats) used to scream & cry oh how Trump lied and always talking about making Mexico pay for the wall was the greatest lie .... they said they voted for Biden because he didn't lie ..lmao ...none of them knowing about 1988 ..... wonder why none of them hate on ol habitual lier Pedo-Joe... he can't stop .... right down to the death of his son and the birth of his granddaughter...
Ya know its funny, all the board socialists ( democrats) used to scream & cry oh how Trump lied and always talking about making Mexico pay for the wall was the greatest lie .... they said they voted for Biden because he didn't lie ..lmao ...none of them knowing about 1988 ..... wonder why none of them hate on ol habitual lier Pedo-Joe... he can't stop .... right down to the death of his son and the birth of his granddaughter...
They weren't concerned about Trump's lies...they were concerned about him exposing their own.
Wow, after Gary Bell was exposed by the Gateway Pundit as being a part of the Michigan police report business, both the compmogroup dot com website and Facebook pages are gone! The website was last archived Aug 10th, 2023. Recall GBI Strategies LLC is a left-wing campaign consulting company run by Gary Bell. And according to Compmo Group, Gary Bell manages over 70 “organizing operations” in 20 states and lends logistical and consulting support to another 7 states. Archive Aug 10, 2023

Democrats can't win unless they cheat, but they can't cheat if it isn't close. Just like he said, they have to manufacture the fake registrations in order to manufacture the phony votes but the phony votes only work if it's a close election because they can't fake 2 million additional voter registrations!

They shut those vote counts down in the swing States late on election night in '20 because it was close enough for them to provide the winning margins they needed after they saw just how many all of the legitimate votes were counted. Then they came in with just enough "fake" votes to win.

That's why they both needed to wait until almost all the votes were counted, and why the counts had to be suspended while they generated enough fake votes to win the close races. Remember Biden was behind in all of those swing State races when the vote counts were suspended. He won all of them after the counts resumed. None of the vote count observers were allowed to witness once the counting resumed either. Imagine that? Think they would have seen some of the phony ballots being generated and that's why they were kept out?
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