From the NY Times. This stinks to high heaven

Putin trying to corner the uranium market and Hillary is helping while millions flow into the Clinton Foundation.

You really have to wonder if this endless blowback is stemming from the well-documented feud between Obama and the Clintons. Minus the people at Fox, the media goes out of their way to shelter Obama. At his behest they would do the same for Patty Pantsuit ............ yet nothing.

Not saying criticism of her is unwarranted ....... just saying it is coming from everywhere now.
Per the Washington Post:

The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation will amend tax returns filed to the IRS in recent years to reflect that it accepted donations from foreign governments, a foundation official said Thursday.

The official said the organization is reviewing its tax returns for 2010, 2011 and 2012 and anticipated refiling the returns after the review is complete. The amendment, which was first reported by Reuters, is necessary because the foundation inaccurately reported to the IRS that it had accepted no government money in those years.

In fact, the foundation has acknowledged accepting millions in donations from foreign governments in those years, which overlapped with the time Hillary Rodham Clinton served as secretary of state.
If NYT and Post continue pounding, she is going to have a hell of a time. All those second tier candidates should hold on, or at least brush up on all the charges to participate in pile on.

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