From the brink to

Baseball smack is not my cup of tea, but it is funny that as mouthy as King Coal was about WVU baseball a week or two ago and now he's too embarrassed to post after we advanced to the Super Regional. That crow he's eating today must been cooked too tough for him to chew. Not only is he a man of little wit, it seems he's also lacking in balls.
Baseball smack is not my cup of tea, but it is funny that as mouthy as King Coal was about WVU baseball a week or two ago and now he's too embarrassed to post after we advanced to the Super Regional. That crow he's eating today must been cooked too tough for him to chew. Not only is he a man of little wit, it seems he's also lacking in balls.
He was eating crow when I provided him with the link a week ago. Maybe he just needs to avoid posting here on this subject.

With our pitching staff and lack of depth in the bullpen, I just don't see us making it past the Super Regional. So, give him a week and he'll be running his mouth.
He was eating crow when I provided him with the link a week ago. Maybe he just needs to avoid posting here on this subject.

With our pitching staff and lack of depth in the bullpen, I just don't see us making it past the Super Regional. So, give him a week and he'll be running his mouth.
Yep, you really chafed his ass with that link that he refuses to look at. As for him being back when we bow out of the tournament, that depends entirely on whether or not he can find a place to siphon free WIFI from
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Yep, you really chafed his ass with that link that he refuses to look at. As for him being back when we bow out of the tournament, that depends entirely on whether or not he can find a place to siphon free WIFI from
Watching the game last night, the announcers said 98% of the state pulls for WVU versus Marshall. I'm shocked the herd fans haven't started a protest over that comment.
Baseball smack is not my cup of tea, but it is funny that as mouthy as King Coal was about WVU baseball a week or two ago and now he's too embarrassed to post after we advanced to the Super Regional. That crow he's eating today must been cooked too tough for him to chew. Not only is he a man of little wit, it seems he's also lacking in balls.
LOL at the obsessed Geezer pining for my posts. Sorry that I didn't take time during my Vegas long weekend trip to post about WVU's modest baseball accomplishment. Y'all beat Grand Canyon and Dallas Baptist, two baseball titans, for sure. Ohio State already wrecked your World Series, remember?
a Super Regional. Thanks Randy.

Suck it coal boy.
Congrats on beating the Antelopes twice and a tiny religious school to finally advance past the first round. This doesn't change the fact that Ohio State ruined your World Series this season. Suck on that, recent and casual WVU baseball fan.
Congrats on beating the Antelopes twice and a tiny religious school to finally advance past the first round. This doesn't change the fact that Ohio State ruined your World Series this season. Suck on that, recent and casual WVU baseball fan.
Sending you a virtual hug.

Sorry, 100% of my monthly Country Road trust donation goes to WVU baseball and has been since CRT got started. Hate to disappoint you. Even got invited to Mazey's house last year for the NCAA tournament selection, but unable to make it due the fact I lived in Georgia.

Do you get tired of being wrong? Please tell me you want a copy of the email invite like you did the link to the WVU program being on the brink. Would love for you to eat more crow.
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Congrats on beating the Antelopes twice and a tiny religious school to finally advance past the first round. This doesn't change the fact that Ohio State ruined your World Series this season. Suck on that, recent and casual WVU baseball fan.
see I TOLD you......he's owned by all of puppet dance
see I TOLD you......he's owned by all of puppet dance
Yep, we laid the bait out and he took not only the bait but the hook, line, and sinker. I wonder which parking lot he found to siphon free WiFi from this time since he had to move the law firm he claims to own out of Charleston.
Congrats on beating the Antelopes twice and a tiny religious school to finally advance past the first round. This doesn't change the fact that Ohio State ruined your World Series this season. Suck on that, recent and casual WVU baseball fan.
Only a moron would refer to our baseball games with Ahia State the World Series and the basketball game against the Suckeyes as a Super Bowl...........but you keep doing it and I suspect that since you are a man of little wit that you will keep doing it.

The Antelopes and the "tiny religious school" both were good enough to earn bids to the playoff. What regional did your beloved Ahia State play in ? That's right.............they didn't. You should just stop posting here moron, you're out of your league.
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Only a moron would refer to our baseball games with Ahia State the World Series and the basketball game against the Suckeyes as a Super Bowl...........but you keep doing it and I suspect that since you are a man of little wit that you will keep doing it.

The Antelopes and the "tiny religious school" both were good enough to earn bids to the playoff. What regional did your beloved Ahia State play in ? That's right.............they didn't. You should just stop posting here moron, you're out of your league.
Remember when you posted time-after-time that you didn't care about college baseball? I own you so much that you've become a fraudulent baseball fan. Forward to me, the address of your nursing home so that I can send you a check instead of spending all of that time in your empty skull, rent-free.
Sending you a virtual hug.

Sorry, 100% of my monthly Country Road trust donation goes to WVU baseball and has been since CRT got started. Hate to disappoint you. Even got invited to Mazey's house last year for the NCAA tournament selection, but unable to make it due the fact I lived in Georgia.

Do you get tired of being wrong? Please tell me you want a copy of the email invite like you did the link to the WVU program being on the brink. Would love for you to eat more crow.
You donate 100% of your Country Road Trust contribution to a northern college baseball school making its very first appearance in an NCAA regional? What kind of simpleton are you? Was your daddy the banjo player in Deliverance? LOLOLOLOL
Remember when you posted time-after-time that you didn't care about college baseball? I own you so much that you've become a fraudulent baseball fan. Forward to me, the address of your nursing home so that I can send you a check instead of spending all of that time in your empty skull, rent-free.
I'm not a big college baseball fan, but when WVU made the Super Regional for the first time in school history it got my attention. I probably won't watch on TV as our team tries to advance, but I know you will and will be chomping at the bit to rush here and post about it when our team bows out.

Tell me again which regional your beloved Ahia State played in......................oh, that's right, they didn't qualify at all.
I'll tell you where Ohio State played, geezer. They played on WVU's overrated home field and kicked the sh!t out of helmet head's troops in the St. Patty Day's massacre. You're as delusional as Dead Head, if you think that I'd watch a WVU college baseball game. Y'all are bandwagon frauds, and not very smart ones.
I'll tell you where Ohio State played, geezer. They played on WVU's overrated home field and kicked the sh!t out of helmet head's troops in the St. Patty Day's massacre. You're as delusional as Dead Head, if you think that I'd watch a WVU college baseball game. Y'all are bandwagon frauds, and not very smart ones.
I must have chafed your ass again when I mentioned Ahia State wasn't good enough to be selected for the tournament. Sorry about that (not really). Baby powder and cornstarch applied to the ass cheeks works miracles for that provided the law firm you claim to own pays you enough to spare a couple of bucks. You claim you will never watch a WVU baseball game, but you know all about our head coach wearing a batting couldn't have seen that if you didn't follow WVU baseball closer than I do. Moron.
You really can't be this stupid, can you? Even on your black and white 13" Magnavox, you can see highlights of WVU baseball games on the local news, and almost every time you see highlights, that goober is shown wearing a helmet. He's probably required to wear it when he's coaching third base, but does that goober have to be wear a helmet during interviews? It isn't as if unruly fans care enough about college baseball to throw objects at his melon, so what the he!! is he afraid of, anyway? Go ahead and quote MY post about what I own and do for a living, you lying piece of sh!t.
You really can't be this stupid, can you? Even on your black and white 13" Magnavox, you can see highlights of WVU baseball games on the local news, and almost every time you see highlights, that goober is shown wearing a helmet. He's probably required to wear it when he's coaching third base, but does that goober have to be wear a helmet during interviews? It isn't as if unruly fans care enough about college baseball to throw objects at his melon, so what the he!! is he afraid of, anyway? Go ahead and quote MY post about what I own and do for a living, you lying piece of sh!t.
Ooops, I chafed your ass only see highlights of WVU baseball games but you know all about what Randy Mazey puts on his head at various times. Yeah, right. Like I told you earlier, baby powder or corn starch is a good remedy for a chafed ass...........if you can afford it. Tell me again what region Ahia State qualified for...........Stupid me, I forgot - they didn't get selected at all.
Stupid you is right. You keep flapping your dentures about ass chafing. You must be an expert. It must have been really painful for you when the basketball Buckeyes dashed your Super Bowl hopes, then the baseball Buckeyes didn't apply any lubricant before they bent you over and pounded your a$$ by the score of 26-11 to wreck your World Series. If you didn't need a cane to walk before, then you surely did so after that a$$-reaming...LOL
You donate 100% of your Country Road Trust contribution to a northern college baseball school making its very first appearance in an NCAA regional? What kind of simpleton are you? Was your daddy the banjo player in Deliverance? LOLOLOLOL
First time in a Super Regional idiot. So, you're wrong again.