Fearmongering.....Using their own words and descriptions......

I'd personally like to know what was the last Government overthrown in a violent "insurrection" where none of the so called "insurrectionists" was even armed with a gun?

Anybody got an answer?
This is outstanding. Bifftards are always pointing the other way but we know otherwise.
Leftist "re-definition" of an insurrection:

Anyone who participated in the Jan 6th raucous protest over allegations of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election, and demanded answers or investigations before Congressional certifications of the alleged bogus vote tallies.

Classic definition:
Insurrection: 1) implies an armed uprising that quickly fails or succeeds, 2) implies an open formidable resistance that is often unsuccessful, 3) applies to a successful rebellion resulting in a major change

None of the above references of course fit what actually happened on Jan 6th, 2021...but don't let actual facts or classic definitions get in the way of a Leftist redefinition of a commonly spoken word in the English language. :rolleyes:


Know what the real "insurrection" will be? When I'm legitimately re-elected in '24 to drain the swamp!

Leftists are terrified over that "insurrection" DJT.

Well, they should be!
Leftist "re-definition" of an insurrection:

Anyone who participated in the Jan 6th raucous protest over allegations of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election, and demanded answers or investigations before Congressional certifications of the alleged bogus vote tallies.

Classic definition:
Insurrection: 1) implies an armed uprising that quickly fails or succeeds, 2) implies an open formidable resistance that is often unsuccessful, 3) applies to a successful rebellion resulting in a major change

None of the above references of course fit what actually happened on Jan 6th, 2021...but don't let actual facts or classic definitions get in the way of a Leftist redefinition of a commonly spoken word in the English language. :rolleyes:


Know what the real "insurrection" will be? When I'm legitimately re-elected in '24 to drain the swamp!

Leftists are terrified over that "insurrection" DJT.

Well, they should be!
Same people who called the COVID-19 shots a vaccine called Jan 6 a insurrection, claimed Trump colluded and Trump called nazis good people.
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