Exposing the Secret Ties Between BlackRock and the Two Trump Assassination Attempts


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Aug 5, 2009

If Kamala Harris and the Democrats win in November, I fear our country will become an openly hostile totalitarian state because they will no longer have anything to stop them.

The BlackRock Connection​

But the real kicker is Ralph’s appearance in a 2022 commercial promoting the Azov Battalion, a Ukrainian neo-Nazi militia trained by the CIA and funded by BlackRock. This is where things get even more complex. BlackRock’s involvement in Ukraine goes beyond mere financial interests. The company has long been a player in global geopolitics, especially when it comes to Ukraine.

The CIA and FBI’s Role​

It seems Crooks and Ralph, both deeply troubled individuals, were likely manipulated by the CIA and FBI to serve as pawns in a bigger, more orchestrated plan. They’re portrayed as eccentric loners, conveniently taking the blame for what seem to be highly coordinated crimes, including the attempts on Trump’s life. The CIA and FBI, far from being neutral arbiters, are appearing more like BlackRock’s enforcers.

I never thought the FBI would be corrupted the way it is today, and it is stunning that it happened so quickly.

When you dig into the attempts on Donald Trump’s life, there’s a single common thread that can’t be ignored. Two men, Thomas Crooks and Ryan Ralph, share some pretty surprising similarities. Both were donors to Act Blue, a political action committee backing the Democratic Party, and both were able to somehow get within 500 yards of Trump—raising some serious concerns about Secret Service security. Yet, the mainstream media didn’t really make a big deal out of it, despite how significant this all seems.

One of the most eye-catching details is how Crooks appeared in a 2023 BlackRock commercial, and Ralph popped up in a 2022 ad for a Ukrainian militia trained by none other than the CIA. Yes, you heard that right—our very own CIA. And get this. The program was funded by BlackRock.

Crooks’ case is especially bizarre. After his death, the FBI secretly cremated his body, preventing any further investigation. Even Crooks’ own parents were kept in the dark about the circumstances surrounding his death. To top it off, the FBI made sure the crime scene was thoroughly scrubbed, so no meaningful investigation could take place. They also scrubbed Crooks’ parents’ home, leaving it as clean as a medicinal lab. They took all utensils and trash. It’s quite weird if you ask me.


The connections between BlackRock, the CIA, Ukraine, and the recent assassination attempts on Trump are too significant to dismiss. We’re seeing a coordinated effort to silence opposition to the monopolistic power structure that controls governments and global financial interests. In other words, this evil cabal views Trump and his supporters in and out of government as the main obstacles to the wealthy elites taking control of the entire world, and they are ready, willing, and able to take them out.

The stakes are high, and this is no ordinary political battle—it’s a fight for the future of democracy itself. And I mean a real threat to democracy, not some BS line that Democrats

As the saying goes, knowledge is power. And as efforts to suppress resistance grow stronger, it’s up to us, the people, to stay informed and remain vigilant. This battle is one of the totalitarian elitists against the people.
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