Expert warns Kamala Harris' tax agenda could be more 'radical, devastating' than Biden's


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Aug 5, 2009

There they go again, tax and spend, tax and spend.

Remember when we went to war over a 2% tax increase on tea....look at us now.

None of these policies work. They all cause unintended and intended consequences.

Poverty on the rise. People pay taxes to support the social programs. I cannot afford to pay. Can you?
Socialism presidential candidate.

Government stay the hell away from my healthcare you’ve done enough damage.

That sounds like Socialism. What follows socialism? Communism.
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There they go again, tax and spend, tax and spend.

Remember when we went to war over a 2% tax increase on tea....look at us now.

None of these policies work. They all cause unintended and intended consequences.

Poverty on the rise. People pay taxes to support the social programs. I cannot afford to pay. Can you?
Socialism presidential candidate.

Government stay the hell away from my healthcare you’ve done enough damage.

That sounds like Socialism. What follows socialism? Communism.

Her tax plan will force more buisness overseas. The CCP and Belt to road intiative wants this. The Brics Nations want this. She will end any tariffs on these imports.

They yell they are holding the rich accountable. That's not what they are doing. It's Crony Capitalism that benefits their donors.

Matter of fact if people Google the subject you will find many articles from the MSM complaining about what she wants to do going back to the Bush administration. The same Administration who took Clintons actions on getting the CCP in to the WTO and got it done. People better hurry though before they delete them.