Long winded, but probably necessary considering the amount of topic facets.
However, your view, like that of Steve is only an individual one, based as much as his on personal hope and belief. For those that bother with it, we read all of the same releases and documents and come to variables on the conclusion. You have hard lines in your belief that the GOR are ironbound and inviolate; I do not believe that. If they were ironbound, Boren's moaning about leaving would have zero teeth and he would have long ago found zero audience for his displeasure; the reverse has been true.
On most points I can go along with you and Steve and Michael and the few others that have bothered to wade into the deep of this pool, but see things a bit differently regarding the GOR because I do not believe in absolutes in anything of this nature. If the Big Ten and the SEC wanted to pluck a school under the Big-12 and/or ACC GOR, they will. It will be messy, pricey and brash, but those conferences operate that way - they both have a long track of such heavy handedness.
ESPN is big, the Big Ten and the SEC is bigger. I know our legal experts here poo-poo that idea but court cases are often about agreement and less about law in these areas. The first thing most any judge asks the defendant and plaintiff is if they can work things out and save the court the trouble - seen it many times.
The GOR is nothing more than an extreme entanglement, do not bolt yourself to those dates. As son as either the Big Ten or SEC find it in their best interest to expand, they will regardless of the presence of a GOR. When that happens, the conference under the bulls eye - in my process that is the ACC - falls apart like the Big East did.
This meeting coming up is going to end with a move to expand to 12 and a phased in solution for things like the network and the location of the CCG. Cincinnati is going to be one of the two schools but I cannot guess or that partner is. Within 3 years, the Big Ten and the SEC will raid the ACC and then FSU, GT, Louisville and Clemson will have to ask themselves do they stay and take on AAC and CUSA schools or do they join the Big-12. I think they will join the Big-12 and we all become the Big-16, which is already trademarked.
The points made are based on what we know in my case however. There is real evidence to support that the BIG 12 is disadvantaged in not having a 13th data point. The commissioner and others have stated this themselves. There is real evidence to support that the BIG 12 has the smallest footprint, that its tv ratings are behind some of the other leagues. There is real evidence--including a recent direct quote from the commissioner that financially there are schools not doing as well as Texas, that in the future BIG 12 school will significantly fall behind other P5 conferences. None of those sorts of things are guesses as others are making here.
Other things likewise--we know for a fact that grants of rights were created and used by many conferences. Even Boren referenced that no one knows for certain what might occur if someone challenged one in court, but that they are believed to be solid and binding legally. No one is expected to take on the financial burden of challenging one--and Boren referenced the BIG 12 was advised not to go after schools under grants of rights.
So when I state a conference has a GOR for a period-that is a fact. When I state that schools won't be available to the end of those, I'm basing that on the belief of those that created and hold GORs that they are legally binding and won't be challenged.
When Boren implied he would need to look around if comprehensive action isn't taken, he isn't talking about tomorrow--he is talking about at the end of the current tv contract. That doesn't do WVU or anyone else much good because its going to take years to do everything you can to be prepared for that as best you can but it causes a very uncertain future that is going to impact you from this day forward.
You say if the Big Ten or SEC wants to pluck someone they will--based on what? How can you "pluck" someone if that someone doesn't want to be "plucked"? Are they magic? Seriously, they wanted to "pluck" schools before and the SEC ended up with an A&M whose pre Manziel status wasn't all that, and a Missouri that was even less so. They wanted Texas and Oklahoma but couldn't get them. Rutgers and Maryland subbed in ok for the schools the Big Ten really coveted in Virginia and North Carolina, but that is what they settled for. The schools they wanted like Texas, UNC and UVA they were unable to interest in leaving their current situations. Financially when one looks at the facts there is evidence to support that a school will pay a hefty price when they leave a conference. Maryland paid over $30 million and WVU paid over $20 million for a league that didn't pay them half that per year. The Big Ten had to give Maryland a $30million "gift" to entice them and no P5 team is in the dire situation that Rutgers was in a defunct conference being moved down to the also ran ranks. There is also the real situation of years of litigation that especially getting free of a grant of rights would require--costly litigation , and in the meantime you won't receive any pay from your conference. We are talking many tens of millions of $$ here--perhaps well over $100 million lost when all is said and done. So no, they can't just "pluck" anyone they want, they aren't superpowered.
Besides-if its 2025, why would an ACC team try to challenge a GOR legally when they only have two years and they'll be completely free of a contract and owe nothing if they leave?
Also, you are hoping the BIG 12 takes a huge gamble that if four schools leave the ACC, the rest will scatter to the BIG 12. Based on what? The schools in that conference didn't come before-the ACC was able to cobble together last minute "saves", there's 0 guarantee they would even have interest down the road. Its just as likely and actually moreso that schools like FSU, GT, Clemson, Duke, Syracuse, Pitt, BC, Miami, Wake Forest and Louisville stick together, perhaps even adding Notre Dame and UConn or Cincinnati or someone else to maintain their own P5 league. You don't gamble the future of your own conference on idle poorly thought out speculation of what someone else might do a decade from now.
You are basing your thoughts on these matters on what you want to be true and nothing more.
Boren is on the expansion committee and has verified the candidates to choose from are not under a grant of rights.