Everything About Her is FAKE


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Aug 5, 2009

When you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything.
Comrade Harris is far to the left of Bernie Sanders and that says a lot about her actual positions concerning the direction of our country.
I really want someone to ask her what she’s laughing at.
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Kamala Harris is not a person.

She is not a candidate.

She is a PRODUCT.

She is a product of a massive commercial marketing campaign foisted on America by a cabal of billionaire donors who feel their influence threatened by the great outsider, Donald Trump.

Purchasing this product will result in your willing enslavement to a system of impoverishing mind control.

Rejecting this product and instead opting for the actual human beings that are Trump and Vance will set your mind free.

Each of us is faced with Cypher's choice in "The Matrix" to have a seemingly satisfying but utterly illusory steak. Kamala Harris is that illusory steak.

Choose wisely, America, lest you never be allowed to choose again.